『One and Three Chairs (1965)』 作品:约瑟夫•科瑟斯(Joseph Kosuth)中文名:《一把和三把椅子》年份:1965年尺寸:装置 :82 x 37.8 x 53 cm, 摄影: 91.5 x 61.1 cm,文本面板:(61 x 76.2 cm) 材料:...
virtualA recreation of Kosuth's â ?One and three chairsâ in a virtual world updates the idea of the seminal work dealing with the concepts of original, reproduction, language, and conceptual art.missingInternational Conference on Cyberworlds...
必应词典为您提供one-and-three-chairs的释义,网络释义: 一和三把椅子;一张与三张椅子;一把椅子和三把椅子;
The Explanation of <Adding One Concept on Top of Another>:I employed Joseph Kosuth’s One and Three Chairs as the starting point for my work, since it is not only a piece of conceptual art, but also one which has been legitimized with the power of lan-guage in the context of ...
One and Three Chairs ist ein Kunstwerk von Joseph Kosuth aus dem Jahre 1965. WikiMatrix מתחת למגן האבירים מצוי מוטו האי: "בהיותנו מודעים תמיד לאל, אנו...
One and Three ChairsJoseph Kosuth