When I had driven in the past I just remember a rather long, flat drive along this plateau out to the oil fields where the opals were. Well, snow makes you realize how many hills there actually are in a place. Each time I was at the base of hill I hoped the truck could make it...
square [skwer] (mathematics) Thesquareof anumberristhenumberr2,thatis,rtimesr. Theplanefigurewithfourequalsidesandfourinteriorrightangles. (mechanics) Denotesaunitofarea;ifxis aunitoflength,asquarexistheareaof asquarewhosesideshavealengthof 1x;forexample,asquaremeter,or ametersquared,istheareaof ...
Word Relax Level 901: Fort Rift Riot Trio Riff Iffy Fifty Fortify Word Relax Level 902: Art Rat Ray Sat Say Tar Try Star Stay Stray Tarry Starry Word Relax Level 903: Loud Told Undo Unto Lout Donut Untold Word Relax Level 904: Clue Luck Hulk Check Chuck Cluck Chuckle Word Relax Level ...
Wordy Word Level 790: Cert Etch Char Arch Chat Hear Teacher Race Race Ache Care Cart Acre Wordy Word Level 791: Flit Til Pitiful Flip Put Flu Lift Fit Pit Wordy Word Level 792: Gin Inn Min Dim Dig Ding Dinning Din Mini Mid Wordy Word Level 793: Meow Soma Mesa Same Awesome Swam Some...
the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his on be at by i this had not are but from or have an they which one you were all her she there would their we him been has when who will no more if out so up said what its about than into them can only other time new...