Submission to peer review: 28-42 days Acceptance to final publication: 31 days Page proof to final publication: 7-10 days Abstracting & Indexing Recent Articles Case Report A case of delayed primary-CNS post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in a patient with concurrent metastatic colorectal mal...
Case reports should include an up-to-date review of all previous cases in the field. Authors are encouraged to describe how the Case report is rare or unusual as well as its educational and/or scientific merits in the covering letter that will accompany the submission of the manuscript. Case...
注意与自己文章相关的信息,例如case report涉及: Frontiers遵循ICMJE关于保护研究参与者的建议,该建议指出,患者有隐私权,未经知情同意,不得侵犯隐私权。我们要求在所有手稿中省略非必要的可识别细节,如果对匿名性有任何疑问,则需要书面知情同意。 研究人员和作者有责任确保这些原则得到遵守,包括获得任何潜在可识别数据...
China Oncologywelcomes submission of manuscripts reporting on clinical trials whether phase 1, 2, 3 or 4. Reports should include a full description of the study design, patient population, methodology and conduct, and statistical plan. In all cases, the report will undergo peer review and will ...
Authors should describe how the case report is rare or unusual as well as its educational and/or scientific merits in the covering letter that will accompany the submission of the manuscript. Case report submissions will be assessed by the Editors and will be sent for peer review if considered...
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(as a backbone trace) in case a new overall fold is presented, must be provided upon request. For cryo-EM structures, a characteristic micrograph indicating sole particles must be supplemented at submission. Protein structures should be deposited in theProtein Data Bank PDBand the deposition ...
6 days Time to first decision 26 days Review time 48 days Submission to acceptance View all insights Editor-in-ChiefView full editorial board Susan C. Modesitt, MD, FACOG, FACS Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America ...
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Submission guidelines The principal aim of Spandidos Publications is to publish promptly original works of high quality in English. Manuscripts will be considered on the understanding that they report original work, or are review articles summarizing and interpreting progress in a thematic area and are...