state.color == 'white' ? 'black' : 'white'; this.setState({ color: newColor }); }, render: function() { return ( In here already ); } }); ReactDOM.render(<Box />, document.getElementById('div1')); ReactDOM.render(<Box />, document.getElementById('div2')); ReactD...
divClassName="boxBounce" /> <Article title="Test 1" content="This is an example of an onClick event 'renderd' by react." divClassName="boxClickCss" handleBoxClick={this.boxClick} color="red" /> </AppWrapper> ); } } export default App; 应用程序包装器:import styled from 'styled-c...
If active isfalseit chooseswhitecolor, if its true it choosesblackcolor. If you are styling your button using css classes you change it between two classnames like this: Here is an example: importReact,{useState}from"react";functionHome(){const[active,setActive]=useState(false);consthandleCli...
labelPlacement="floating" fill="solid" value={'test'} onIonChange={e=>{}} > <IonSelectOption value="test">Opt</IonSelectOption> <IonButton fill="clear" slot="end" onClick={e=>{alert('fire')}}> <IonIcon slot="icon-only" color='dark' icon={addCircle}></IonIcon> </IonButton>...
"use client"; import styles from "./UploadCard.module.css"; import Image from "next/image"; import Card from "@/components/Card/Card"; import { FaCloudUploadAlt, FaFileUpload } from "react-icons/fa"; import { SiMicrosoftexcel } from "react-icons/si"; import { ChangeEvent, FormEvent...
Click me to change my color. function myFunction(element, color) { = color;} Try it Yourself » Click to copy text from one input field to another: Copy Text function myFunction() { document.getElementById("field2").value = document.getElementById("field1").value...