If you're new to this wiki, please look at our site policies and take a moment to check out the Wikia tutorial. If you have any problems please ask one of the admins for help. Home to 3,745 articles since August 9, 2011ONCE UPON A TIME ...
Ce wiki traite de la série ''Once Upon a Time'' diffusée par le network ABC. Celle-ci raconte l'histoire des personnages de contes de fées piégés dans notre monde suite à une Malédiction lancée par la ''Méchante Reine''.
Emma Swan, also known as the Savior and the Greatest Light,[1] formerly as the Dark One or the Dark Swan,[2] briefly as Princess Leia, and alternatively as Princess Emma, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time and Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. She d
Once Upon A Time was the third Tom Bombadil poem in Hobbit verse (fourth Tom poem if counting The Stone Troll) published in October 1965 within Winter's Tales for Children 1 and reprinted in The Young Magicians in 1969. Once upon a day on the fields of May there was snow in summer wh...
我想用Google译者工具包翻译《Once Upon a Time in the North》,有人一起来么? 黄金罗盘 分享66赞 幻影游船吧 梵花坠影318 【幻影游船·文文】《Once upon a time 》2、一些剧情纯属瞎编,勿喷啊呜呜。会有原创角色,还请各位多包容。3、更新时间,字数不定。弃坑几率比较大。而且大伙可以别潜水嘛……镇楼图...
Wikiatastic·11/21/2016 Disney could've gave Sofia a better ball gown. It's just her pre-Season 3 dress but with lots of sparkles. Calumjon·8/29/2015 When sofia first arrives at the cAstel and gets out of the carriage shes dressed as a commmner but when we next see her she...
I miss you so Seems like its been forever that you've been gone She said somedays I feel like shit Somedays I wanna quit and just be normal for a bit I don't understand why you always have to be gone I get along but your trips always feel so long And I find myself trying to...
Olaf 是童話鎮的角色,由劇集的製作團隊創作,他沒有在任何集數登場。 Olaf 是來自童話世界阿德爾的人類,亦是Astrid的丈夫和Harald的父親。Olaf曾經擔任阿德爾的國王,直到王位由兒子取代,可是他的最終命運沒有明確提及,相信他在現今世代已經死亡。 Olaf是某代阿德爾國王
Luke: A History Of Their Complicated Working Relationship Kesha令人十分惊讶的指控Dr. Luke虐 分享100赞 re从零开始异世界生活吧 Haneko🌟 【短篇 部分翻译+剧透】Once upon a time in Lugunica (后篇)本月的CA上的短篇 接着前篇的15年前的王国的故事 还是先把阿斯特雷亚的部分的翻译迅速肝出来了…这...