为什么城市记录里有你的照片 Lets just say when Regina was mayor, 这么说吧 瑞金娜当镇长时 she abused her power a bit. 曾滥用职权 She was looking for any reason to run me out of town. 她千方百计想要赶我出镇 Thats the first time Henry and I went for hot cocoa. 这是我和亨利第一次...
RELATED |Once Upon a TimeEPs Talk Casting Pan, Emma’s Focus, Wrinkle for Neal and More IN THE FAIRYTALE LAND THAT WAS….|After the umpteenth revisiting of Charming/Snow/casket/kiss/whoosh!, we get to see Regina receiving word (from a taunting/slightly giddy Magic Mirror) that her foe ...
Well, maybe not all of a sudden, but it is worse than ever. And with these temps, all I want to do is take a nap. Thank you for the sweet words about my gingham outfits. I hope to get more wear out of them before it is time to move them to the back of the closet til ...