(贫瘠) area. After overcoming many difficulties, foresters have turned the area into China’s largest man-made forest. Another example is the Kubuqi Desert, which is near the Yellow River in Inner Mongolia. It was once the source(来源) of sandstorms in Beijing. But now, about one third ...
a portal manifest during the years of Adayu 54721 孤竹驿站吧 我是卢龙农民 一百年前一个外国人眼中的卢龙 孤竹文化斑竹前些日子发了几张《TRAMPS IN DARK MONGOLIA》这本书的照片,我费了很大力气终于找到了这本唯一一本存世完整的出版于一个世纪前的书,这本书很大篇幅介绍了卢龙,我会把这些关于卢龙的部分都...