Once Upon a Time in Mexico: Directed by Robert Rodriguez. With Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Johnny Depp, Mickey Rourke. Hitman "El Mariachi" becomes involved in international espionage involving a psychotic CIA agent and a corrupt Mexican general.
Tag Archives:Once Upon a Time in Mexico Fall 2021 – Week 12 in Review Posted onDecember 22, 2021 Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I have some lamentable news: every single film I watched this week was great. No grand failures, no experimental misfires, not ...
Netflix(Spain) (video) (VOD) Orbit Showtime Network (OSN)(Non-US) (tv) (Middle East) Passion(2012) (Germany) (tv) Prime Series(Belgium) (tv) (limited) RTL Passion(Germany) (tv) RTL Passion(2016) (Germany) (tv) RTL(2012) (Germany) (tv) ...
Mexico:B Netherlands:14 Netherlands:12 New Zealand:R16 New Zealand:PG Norway:12 (Netflix self-rating) Norway:16 (1969-1983) Philippines:G Poland:12 (self-applied) Portugal:M/12 Singapore:PG South Africa:PG South Korea:15 Spain:18 Spain:16 Spain:12 Spain:14 Swede...
Movies have always been an important part of Cuban culture. In its heyday, Cuba could boast the third highest number of theaters in Latin America, which is impressive given its size. Cuba, along with Mexico and Argentina, has the most developed cinema culture of Latin America. I would say...
Once Upon a Time in Mexico: Directed by Robert Rodriguez. With Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Johnny Depp, Mickey Rourke. Hitman "El Mariachi" becomes involved in international espionage involving a psychotic CIA agent and a corrupt Mexican general.
Once Upon a Time in Mexico: Directed by Robert Rodriguez. With Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Johnny Depp, Mickey Rourke. Hitman "El Mariachi" becomes involved in international espionage involving a psychotic CIA agent and a corrupt Mexican general.