His next film,Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood(2019), centres on a washed-up actor (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his stuntman (Brad Pitt), both of whom cross paths with Charles Manson in 1969 Los Angeles. The movie received a standing ovation when it premiered at the Cannes film festival. In...
by A.D. Amorosi Variety Film + TV The Irishman The Godfather Part II at 50: Francis Ford Coppola’s sprawling masterpiece 12/20/2024 by Jesse Hassenger The Guardian - Film News Why ‘The Brutalist’ Needs Its Intermission, and Running Time Is Only One Reason ...
The liberal politicization of Hollywood has turned many Christians off to film in general. This agenda is on full display at the Oscars. For instance, Brad Pitt used his acceptance speech for Best Supporting Actor inOnce Upon a Time… in Hollywoodto comment on the Senate’s acquittal of Pres...
Quentin Tarantino Considered Rebooting ‘Reservoir Dogs’ as His Swan Song The Oscar-winning writer-director maintains his next film will be his last. Movie News Jun 26, 2021 10:56 am By Ryan Parker 7 hours ago
inOnce Upon a Time in Hollywood:A Novel—which relegates its acts of brutality almost entirely to the past, and, with one exception, eschews gory details—could be taken as a rare instance of restraint. The excess lies elsewhere, in the pounding waves of ephemera that submer...
The Underworld, mistakenly referred to as Hell,[1] and also known as Purgatory, Limbo or the Broken Kingdom,[nb 1] is a world featured on ABC's Once Upon a Time. It first appears in the twelfth episode of the fifth season. The Underworld is based on the
cracks in the image Diddy presented to the world as a professional businessperson and star marker masked a narcissistic need for control that turned abusive in both his personal and professional lives. Sources: Timeline: https://www.billboard.com/lists/sean-diddy-combs-allegations-timeline/november...
This is the story of Hollywood royalty. Sparks flew and embers are still visible in their movie pairings - eight in total - all at Metro Goldwyn Mayer. Of all the stars in the heavens they were two of the brightest... Gable and Crawford By 1931 Joan Cr
This week (May 26th to be exact) marks the 125th anniversary of the release of Bram Stoker’s novel, Dracula. It went on sale for the first time in London bookshops on that day in 1897. Since (to me) that novel introduced what would become the single,