Help me!别光傻愣着啊 帮帮我How. how has this happened?这怎么可能You're only two months pregnant.你才怀孕 36、两个月Well, how do you think?你以为呢Dark magic.黑魔法啊Who's dark magic?谁的黑魔法Emma Swan!艾玛·斯旺Emma Swan!艾玛·斯旺Emma Swan!艾玛·斯旺I guess we'll have to do thi...
让斯旺女士继续走黑暗之路的 正是你的莉莉丝 Your parents are monsters, Emma. 你的父母就是魔鬼 艾玛 They banished me and threw you in a wardrobe. 他们流放了我 还把你扔进衣柜 She wants revenge. 她要复仇 Marian... she's my sister Zelena. 玛丽安 她是我姐姐 塞琳娜 She's pregnant. 她怀孕...
Yourparentsaremonsters,Emma. 你的父母就是魔鬼艾玛 Theybanishedmeandthrewyouinawardrobe. 他们流放了我还把你扔进衣柜 Shewantsrevenge. 她要复仇 Marian...she'smysisterZelena. 玛丽安她是我姐姐塞琳娜 She'spregnant. 她怀孕了 Stopthecarriage. 停车 ...
你和我 都要做母亲了 Youre pregnant? 你怀孕了 Now you get why we must stop this curse. 现在你明白为什么我们必须阻止诅咒了 For our children. 为了我们的孩子 If we work together, we will find a way to defeat Regina. 如果我们合作 就能找到办法打败瑞金娜 No. 不行 What? 什么 Not with you....
她... ...pregnant. 怀孕了 You expect me to believe that the Dark One has found love? 你想让我相信黑暗者找到了爱情吗 Yes. 是的 So whatever grudge you have against him, 不管你跟他有什么仇怨 we have nothing to do with it. 我们都与之无关 Let us go, and you won't have to worry ...
我都忘了这里有多美 Someones in a good mood. 你心情很好啊 I am. 是的 I have some pretty wonderful news. 我有个很棒的消息 Were pregnant. 我怀孕了 You are? 是吗 Are you not happy? No. No, Im not. 你不高兴吗 我不高兴 I am thrilled. 我激动死了 So now that we know who were ...
但你去看过塞琳娜吗 Still locked up, still pregnant, 还被关着 肚子也还大着 but thats something well be able to deal with. 但这事我们可以解决 Together. 一起解决 So, Will is looking after Roland. 威尔在帮忙照看罗兰德 Perhaps I could take you for a walk in the moonlight? 也许我可以带...
andyoucantellBelleshe'spregnant 你可以告诉贝儿她怀孕了 withoutalsohavingtotellher 而且不用同时告诉她 sheowesherbabytome. 她的宝宝是欠我的 Myprice... 我的条件 isher. 是要她 Theyoungladyisengagedtome. 她已经与我订婚 IamSirGaston, 我是加斯顿大人 ...
52、stiltskin.我们根本不为朗普斯金效命He's our enemy.他是我们的敌人He's the whole reason we're here.我们就是因为他才落到了这里He tried to steal magic from our town to wake the woman he loves.他企图偷窃我们小镇的魔法好唤醒他爱的女人She's.她.pregnant.怀孕了You expect me to believe tha...
She literally walked off, pregnant, hand-in-hand with the man she loves. Her story is done. If OUAT is even remotely considering something like this I wish they’d confirm sooner than later. I’ll need time to prepare to bail on this show. What a shame too, after putt...