简直就像 someone dropped a town right on top of us. 天上掉下个小镇来 You need some help? 你们需要帮忙吗 You two look lost. 你们好像迷路了 Who are you? 你是谁 What is this place? 这是哪里 Names Graham. Im the sheriff. 我叫格兰姆 是警长 Welcome to Storybrooke. 欢迎来到童话镇 I did...
Emma现在靠替人收保释金维持生计,饿不死但是也发不了财。 Emma的生活一直波澜不惊,直到有一天……她10年前送给别人收养的儿子Henry(Jared Gilmore扮演)突然找上门来,向她紧急求援。Henry声称Emma来自一个带有神话色彩的平行世界--她就是白雪公主和白马王子失踪的女儿!根据Henry的童话书的描述,王子和公主故意将Emma...
艾玛 Her name is Emma. 她的名字是艾玛 Emma. 艾玛 Okay, kid. How about an address? 好吧 孩子 给个地址吧 44 Im-not-telling-you street. 就不告诉你街 44号hearts; Look, its been a long night, 今天晚上我受够了 and its almost... 现在已经快... 8:15? 8点15吗 That clock hasnt ...
Emma, what can I get you? Nothing. What the hell? You could have hit me. I never miss, you've been avoiding me since last night when you saw me. Leaving the mayor? And yes, that is an euphemism. I'm not avoiding you, Graham, I just have no interest in having this conversation...
Emma Swan, a 28-year-old bail bonds collector, has always been a fiercely independent person since being abandoned as a baby. Her son Henry, who she gave up for adoption years ago, finds and tries to convince Emma that she is Snow White's missing daughte
Emma Swan, also known as the Savior and the Greatest Light,[1] formerly as the Dark One or the Dark Swan,[2] briefly as Princess Leia, and alternatively as Princess Emma, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time and Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. She d
Do you remember when Graham brought Emma Bear Claws in the episode “The Shepherd” 1X06? Back then I thought that it was a clue that they would introduce characters representing the Three Bears, but I was wrong. It would be years til we would be presented “The Bear and The Bow” ...
Do you remember when Graham brought Emma Bear Claws in the episode “The Shepherd” 1X06? Back then I thought that it was a clue that they would introduce characters representing the Three Bears, but I was wrong. It would be years til we would be presented “The Bear and The Bow” ...
This Sunday on ABC‘s Once Upon a Time, Emma and Regina briefly set aside their personal cold war in order to wage battle against the Snow Queen, while a flashback to Emma’s childhood set the stage for a curious revelation. DURING EMMA’S CHILDHOOD CIRCA 1998…. | Young foster system...
Do you remember when Graham brought Emma Bear Claws in the episode “The Shepherd” 1X06? Back then I thought that it was a clue that they would introduce characters representing the Three Bears, but I was wrong. It would be years til we would be presented “The Bear and The Bow” epi...