“Once Upon a Snowman” will show us how Olaf transformed from a lump of snow into an amiable snowman with an ongoing identity crisis. Sure, we already know that Elsa can use her magical ice powers to create sentient beings, but we don't knowallthe details. We'll learn how he gained...
Mickey’s Once Upon a Christmastime Parade “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” as you enjoy this holiday tradition from two different angles – Christmas Tree Point with a view of Cinderella Castle and Town Square with a view of the Christmas tree! Snow falls on Main Street as parade...
Princesses Anna and Elsa might be coming to ABC's Once Upon a Time at some point in the future. In an interview with E! (via MTV), the show's executive producer and co-creator Edward Kitsis said that the entire Once staff is completely obsessed with the highest-grossing animated film ...
The sight of John Travolta in a white suit, standing with his hand held high upon a colorful dance floor, is one of the most iconic images of the '70s. Through clothing, dancing and, of course, the music, ‘Saturday Night Fever’ brought disco nightlife to the mainstream. Released in ...