Once in a Lifetime [Video Game Link] Hi!I'm Caribdis and I'm creating Once in a Lifetime, a choice-based visual novel made in Ren'py with tons of romance, mystery, humor, and much more!PlotYou live in Mistbury, an apparently normal town where you live an apparently normal life ...
標籤: English, language, learning leave a response 最近剛看完New Moon, 很痛苦Refrence:1. http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/newmoon.html2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Moon_(novel)3. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1259571/痛苦苦的是, 老天爺就是無法讓我一口氣把完完很煩><!! 之前中間...
Those people are alike, having a kind of similar manuscript in their lives but with different background in their stories, and it’s really much of an coincidence What a life? —– I said, people!! we don’t need to be in a hurry I said, people!! life has its own temple I said...
Once in a lifetime 不瀟洒, 也不優秀—來自火星之人 Home About FAQ Interest Share 租屋(House Renting) News Shot 星期五, 23 十月, 2009 歸檔於 Uncategorized 標籤: News, Pharmacy, Pharmacy Profession leave a response 1. 加印二維條碼處方箋 2. 處方箋二維條碼掃描器 3. 結核病藥副作用,...
Once in a lifetime 不瀟洒, 也不優秀—來自火星之人 幸福三部曲之B咖妙管家(Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day) 星期日, 4 十月, 2009 歸檔於Uncategorized 標籤:books,movies leave a response 不知道哪裡何時冒出來的幸福三部曲(http://www.newaction.com.tw/2008/happiness/index.htm) ...
Once in a lifetime 不瀟洒, 也不優秀—來自火星之人 Home About FAQ Interest Share 租屋(House Renting) 80/20法則(80/20 rule) 星期二, 22 四月, 2008 歸檔於 My Life 標籤: 經濟, 行銷, 觀點 leave a response Image via Wikipedia又是另外一個不求甚解, 嗚嗚嗚!! 80/20法則(80/20 rule)...
Once in a lifetime 不瀟洒, 也不優秀—來自火星之人 Home About FAQ Interest Share 租屋(House Renting) 為什麼不說是深受其利呢? 星期四, 16 十月, 2008 歸檔於 My Blogging, My Profession 標籤: 藥局, 藥師, 新聞 leave a response 這篇文章: http://ys34485257.ncc.to/1592/1592-3-2....
Once in a lifetime 不瀟洒, 也不優秀—來自火星之人 Home About FAQ Interest Share 租屋(House Renting) So Many Options 星期五, 26 十二月, 2008 歸檔於 Uncategorized 標籤: eating leave a response 該死的二師姐 ㄧ下子推薦那麼多家店給我 害我每一家都想要去 該怎辦呢?><!!!……….. 小公館...
all the Disney cartoon characters created from the 1920s-1980s in this short, with none of the returning cast members from Walt Disney's lifetime reprising their roles (excluding archival recordings of their voice work) due to them being retired or deceased at the time this short was made....