On Track On Line by Robert Schuette Using a GPS on the train:The objective of using a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver on a train is so that you can find out where you are and when you are going to get to a certain point. I use mine all the time to track the trains ...
***on track*** 一切如计划中进行,描述项目、任务或目标的进度是符合预期的 词组分解 track - 足迹,路径行踪,车辙,铁轨车道;跟踪,跟进,移动。可做名词和动词使用 词组固定搭配 be on track to do something something is on track 例句 We areon trackto meet the deadline next month. ...
Amtrak does not endorse this page, nor does it sponsor this or any other On Track On Line page. Amtrak sources were used to compile this roster, but this page does not represent an official Amtrak roster, nor is this roster information endorsed by Amtrak. The information on all the Amtrak...
Synonyms of track 1 : a footprint whether recent or fossil the huge track of a dinosaur 2 a : detectable evidence (such as the wake of a ship, a line of footprints, or a wheel rut) that something has passed b : a path made by or as if by repeated footfalls : trail c ...
On-line services, monthly fees, connect charges; Electronic meeting places, such as America Online, GEnie, Prodigy and CompuServe; CD-ROM databases, cost, hardware requirements, subscriptions; Modem requirements and suggestions. INSE...
on the right track 走对路了;做对了 Serena--on the right track音频:00:0002:30 track /træk/ 足迹 轨道on track 步入正轨E.g.If half of your plate is vegetables and fruit, you're on the right track.如果你的盘子里有一半是蔬菜和水果,...
The uniformitarian principle, like any other scientific "law", rests on the objective circumstance 均变说原理,象其它任何科学“定律”一样,是以客观环境作为根据的。 An unlimited line,half - line,or line segment serving to orient a space or a geometric object,especially a line about which the ...
Please enter your Harpster-Canopies.com Order Number and click on Track this order button. If your order number begins with a 00 please omit when entering the order number. This tracking feature is only valid for those orders shipped by UPS. [After viewing tracking information, please click on...
Having access to a network of offices and facilities – or even just a phone line and an internet connection –cankeepyouon trackandproductive wherever you are in the world. servcorp.com.cn servcorp.com.cn 拥有一间设施完善,网络畅通的办公室,甚至只拥有一部电话和网络连接,便可以让您无论身处...
So the businessman ison the right trackabout the mission statement—his thinking is going in the right direction—but he's left out all of the reasons why they want to make money. Notes: This idiom talks about being on the right track or being on track. Atrackis a line of rails that...