1524 On this day in history boer War begins in Germany's Black Forest 1525 Catholic German monarchy form Union of Dessau on this day in history. 1534 Willem van Enkenvoirt, cardinal/bishop of Utrecht, dies at about 70 on July - 19. 1543 Lady Mary Boleyn, mistress of King Henry VI...
The highlight of this exhibition is the painting Clearing After Snow on a Mountain Pass, 1 of Tang Yin (1470-1524). 2 , Tang sought and failed to 3 , so he turned to painting instead. In time, he 4 China has ever known. This painting, showing high mountains, trees, and 5 was ma...
Famous People Born On This Day In History 1487 On July - 17 birth of esma'il I, shah who converted Iran from Sunni to Shi'ah 1487 Ismail I, Shah of Persia (d. 1524) was born on this day in history. 1674 Isaac Watts, England, writer/preacher/hymnist (Horae Lyrican) was born ...
one of the great works of TangYin (1470-1524). Born during the Ming Dynasty, Tang sought and failed to gainentryinto thecivilservice, so he turned to painting instead. In time, he gainedrecognitionas one of the greate...
This painting, showing high mountains,运用了非凡的技巧,展现了白雪覆盖的高山、树木和房trees, and houses covered in snow, was made with extraordinary skill. Though it屋。 虽然它有500多年的历史,但其色泽和生命力却is over 500 years old, it looks as fresh and full of life as the day it was ...
(If you are interested in joining this group, ping me guan.huifeng@gmail.com) LeetCode难题代码和算法要点分析 目前分类目录 Two Pointers 011.Container-With-Most-Water (M+) 015.3Sum (M) 016.3Sum-Closet (M) 018.4Sum (M) 259.3Sum-Smaller (M+) 030.Substring-with-Concatenation-of-All-Words ...
The highlight of this exhibition is the painting Clearing Afier Snow on a 本次展览的亮点是唐寅(1470—1524)的杰作之Mountain , one of the great works of Tang Yin( 1470-1524) . during 一——《函关雪霁图》。唐寅生于明朝,曾谋求入仕为the dynasty, Tang sought and failed to gain entry into...
(If you are interested in joining this group, ping me guan.huifeng@gmail.com) LeetCode难题代码和算法要点分析 目前分类目录 Two Pointers 011.Container-With-Most-Water (M+) 015.3Sum (M) 016.3Sum-Closet (M) 018.4Sum (M) 259.3Sum-Smaller (M+) 030.Substring-with-Concatenation-of-All-Words ...
(recognize) as one of the greatest artists China has ever known.This painting,(6) showing(show) high mountains,trees,and houses covered in snow,was made with extraordinary skill.Though it is over 500 years old,it looks as fresh and full of life as the day when it(7...
1524 On June - 28 duke van Bourbon occupies Province 1547 On this day in history cristofano Malvezzi, composer 1550 John Drusius, Flemish hebrew translator on this day in history. 1575 On this day in history spanish troops conquer Buren 1577 On this day in history peter Paul Rubens, ...