不过在一些固定搭配中,in/on the street表达的意思是相同的,比如the man/woman in the street以及the man/woman on the street都可以用来表达“普通人,平民百姓”的意思。 此外,living in/on the street这两个说法都可以用来表达“无家可归”这一含义,外媒都可以找到相关的例子,比如这两个: 同时,living on t...
在欧美文化中,这两个短语都常用于描述城市生活的场景,但“on the street”更多地与活力、热闹、多元等词汇联系在一起,而“in the street”则更多地与街道的宽度、深度或内部空间有关。 单词变形 这两个短语都是介词短语,没有单词变形的问题。但需要注意的是,“street”作为名词,其复数形式是“streets”。 记忆...
There are protesters on the streets of ...There are protesters in the streets of ...and the...
“On the street” is correct when referring to someone living in a house facing a street. We can use it to talk about general living positions. “In the street” is correct when referring to someone being in the middle of a road or living within a street’s enclosed area. So, you mi...
1、用on the street 的时候, 是把 street 当作地面, 或一个顶点来看,所以一般要说某个场所在某条街上, 是用 on the street;而讲in the street(s) 的时候,是把 street当作户外的某个空间,所以会搭配动词使用,一般在口语中不会有那么严格的区分,它们之间是可以互相替换的。2、in the street: 马路...
1、I walked on the streets. 2、She lived on the streets. 3、Out on the streets, the shelling continued. 4、litter on the streets of a town. 5、They survive by hustling on the streets. in the street造句 1、She's walking in the street. ...
关于in the street和on the street的区别:in the street侧重于在街的区域范围内,如车、人等;on the street 侧重于在街的路面上,如建筑物、树等。前者为英式英语表达方式,后者为美式英语表达方式。日常使用中,互相混用情况较多,不会影响理解。希望能帮到你!
此外,living in/on the street这两个说法都可以用来表达“无家可归”这一含义,外媒都可以找到相关的例子,比如这两个: 同时,living on the street有时候可能也会写成 living on the streets,平时看到了可以多加留意。 推荐阅读: 介绍几本优秀的单词书 ...
1on the street 和in the street有什么区别 一、意思不同 1、in the street:马路上,是指在这条街的区域范围内 例句:I have met her in the street. 我已经在街上遇到了她。 2、on the street:是在马路边,指在这条街的路面上。 例句:What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the stree...
so, the picture is "a cat in the street," while "a cat on the street" could mean "in the street," like the picture, but could also mean the cat is on the sidewalk, or wandering anywhere on the road. there's also an idiomatic use, "on the streets," meaning "living rough." ...