|基于3个网页 2. 论生命之短暂 ---摘自塞内加《论生命之短暂》(on the shortness of life)l 像明天即将离世那样生活,像会永生一样学习。|基于 1 个网页
On the Shortness of Life的创作者· ··· 塞内加 作者简介· ··· 塞涅卡 Seneca 古罗马斯多亚派哲学家、悲剧作家、雄辩家。曾任帝国会计官、元老院元老,后又任掌管司法事务的执政官和尼禄的老师。尼禄即位后,他成为尼禄的主要顾问之一。失宠后,他闭门隐居,潜心写作,但仍被控企图谋害尼禄而被判处死刑。
华研原版 论生命之短暂 企鹅伟大的思想系列文学视野 英文原版 On the Shortness of Life 塞内卡 英文版 进口英语书籍 点击进入9.9元专区>> ¥68.00 降价通知 限时抢 距结束还剩1天09:00:52 限时抢 开学季 暂无评分 3人评分精彩评分送积分
It's not that we have a short time to live, 我们的生命并不短促,but that we waste much of it.只是我们浪费了太多时间。Life is long enough,其实人生很漫长,and it's been given to us in generous measure for accomplishing the greatest things,若能好好经营,必定足够if the whole of it is ...
On the Shortness of Life音频:00:0001:00合集#朗读491个 Good Morning! 今天的练习内容摘自 Leo Babauta 的一篇文章,标题为On the Shortness of Life。 人确实很容易忘记人生的短暂。在这篇文章里,Leo 分享了十个关于人生的短暂思考,朗读内容为第一个。
OnTheShortnessofLife-LuciusSeneca Themajorityofmortals,Paulinus,complainbitterlyofthespitefulnessofNature,becausewearebornfora briefspanoflife,becauseeventhisspacethathasbeengrantedtousrushesbysospeedilyandsoswiftlythat allsaveaveryfewfindlifeatanendjustwhentheyaregettingreadytolive. Norisitmerelythecommonherdandth...
On The Road by:嘻哈有态度 524 On The Crazies 2-Drag-On by:嘻哈有态度 489 On The Crazies 3-Drag-On by:嘻哈有态度 80 It's On-Mekka Don by:嘻哈有态度 3828 Fantasia-on the theme of Handel's "La Passacaglia" by:音乐人夏宇 下载手机APP ...
I often read “On The Shortness of Life,” one ofLucius Seneca‘s most famous letters, whenever I succumb to social pressure to treat time as less valuable than income, or whenever I find myself agreeing to help those who make unreasonable requests and get upset otherwise. ...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《On the Shortness of Life (Penguin Great Ideas)-论生命之短暂 (企鹅经典系列)》,作者:Seneca,出版社:广东影人视听传播有限公司。最新《On the Shortness of Life (Penguin Great Ideas)-论生命之短暂 (企鹅经典系列)》简介、书评、试读、