On the scaling limits of planar percolation. Ann. Probab., to appear, 2011. With an Appendix by Christophe Garban.On the scaling limits of planar percolation - Schramm, Smirnov - 2011Schramm, O., Smirnov, S. with an appendix by Garban, C. (2011). On the scaling limits of planar ...
Scaling limits of random graphs - Lecture 3 01:01:50 Extrema of 2D Discrete Gaussian Free Field - Lecture 3 01:32:19 Graphical approach to lattice spin models - Lecture 3 01:29:34 Extrema of 2D Discrete Gaussian Free Field - Lecture 2 01:29:31 Scaling limits of random graphs -...
44 国际基础科学大会-2D percolation, random triangulation, and Liouville quantum gravity 50:20 国际基础科学大会-Numerical Methods for Nonlocal Models-Zhi Zhou 47:40 国际基础科学大会-On some open problems in Diophantine Approximation-Nikolai Moshchevitin 1:08:19 国际基础科学大会-Low moments of ...
Scaling limits for the peeling process on random maps our infinite random lattices, and first-passage percolation with exponential edge weights on the dual graph, also known as the Eden model or uniform ... N Curien,Jean-Franois Le Gall - 《Annales De L Institut Henri Poincaré Probabilités...
Evolution and other Conformally Invariant Objects, Noise Sensitivity and Percolation, Scaling Limits of Random Trees and Planar Maps--together with contributions on Fractal and Multifractal properties of SLE and Conformal Invariance of Lattice ... C Newman - Probability and Statistical Physics in Two an...
1.1Definition of the model The six-vertex model, first proposed by Pauling [36] in 1935 to study the residual entropy of ice, became the archetypical example of a planar integrable model with Lieb’s solution of the model in 1967 in its anti-ferroelectric and ferroelectric phases [29,30,31...
We construct the uniform infinite planar map (UIPM), obtained as the n \to \infty local limit of planar maps with n edges, chosen uniformly at random. We then describe how the UIPM can be sampled using a
where υiso - is the velocity of the planar wave in the isotropic medium, D1, D2 - are the scaling factors for wave velocity along and across the obstacle for planar waves and α - is the angle of the wavefront point in the polar coordinate system located at the stimulation point. Fi...
Janson, S., Stefánsson, S.O.: Scaling limits of random planar maps with a unique large face. Ann. Probab. (to appear) Jonsson, T., Stefánsson, S.O.: Condensation in nongeneric trees. J. Stat. Phys. 142, 277–313 (2011) CrossRef Kennedy, D.P.: The Galton–Watson process co...
We investigate diffusive search on planar networks, motivated by tubular organelle networks in cell biology that contain molecules searching for reaction partners and binding sites. Exact calculation of the diffusive mean first-passage time on a spatial