Eto-Epeli (as Hannu Valtonen) On the Road to Emmaus (2001) Martti Silvennoinen Kertoja (voice) Ydinsähköä Loviisasta I (1972)MOVIEmeter Members only Become a member to access additional data Try IMDbPro Premium for free Ratings Breakdown + Add external reviews IMDb...
Images Videos Details Air dates Companies News Cast + Add Cast 21 cast members Name Known for Kai Lehtinen Raid Umur (2002) Puntti Valtonen Potilas Rusanen (as Hannu Valtonen) On the Road to Emmaus (2001) Minna Koskela Heidi Wathen Kumman kaa (2003) Oiva Lohtander...
Instead of traveling to Jerusalem, the psalmist cannot go to the Temple, apparently because of sickness (42:10). The writer has a different kind of struggle than the psalmist of 121, who is uncertain about the journey to the city. As I like to tell people, the psalms contain very human...
Some disciples were walking along the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus, depressed and discouraged (Luke 24). Jesus was the one they had counted on to rescue them from oppression. Now he was dead. There were rumors of resurrection, but who knows? Then, by the end of the chapter, they realiz...
I worked from home in the Boston area, with occasional visits to the Bicycling offices in Emmaus, Pennsylvania, during which I stayed at the home of John Schubert. Work for Bicycling Magazine led to my being listed as a contributing editor on the magazine’s masthead. I also landed a ...
In Luke’s story, the two Jesus followers who walk with a stranger to Emmaus don’t recognize that it is Jesus who walks with them until—what? They break bread together. And more than that. “Jesus would have gone on,” the text says, “but they begged him to stay the night with...
Emmaus Road4 emotions1 Empathy2 Empaty1 Empire8 Empires4 Empiricism4 Employee Free Choice Act1 Employment3 Employment Non-Discrimination Act1 Empowerment19 Empty Tomb5 EMTs1 Enchantment4 Encounter1 Encouragement6 Encouragment1 End times2 End Times teachings2 Endorsements32 Endurance6 Enemies6 enemy comba...
board chair for the Christian Unity and Interfaith Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada, co-chair of the Disciples of Christ/Evangelical Lutheran Church of America Bilateral Dialog,and as a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Disc...
[EDITOR'S NOTE: There is a photo gallery located at the end of this post that contains images that readers might find disturbing, including images that show injuries and death. The reader is advised and cautioned to use discretion as the content may not be suitable for all.] ...
A cottage on saltwater with tides going in and out and grazing land across the road for Jack and Bebe, my equine pals, to rent or lease in a quiet community, much like the one I am leaving is my focus. There are two tiny homes to sell, then packing, and physically moving. ...