Explore ''On the Road'' novel by Jack Kerouac. Read a summary and analysis of the novel, review its characters, and learn about the Beat Generation. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents On the Road Novel On the Road by Jack Kerouac: Summary On the Road: Characters On the Road ...
Retellthepassageaccordingtothebloggerprofile.Step4Post-reading2.Discussion1.HowdoLaurenBath’stravelexperiencesinfluenceherandthereadersofherblog?2.Whatcanwebenefitfromtravel? Step5SummaryandHomeworkWriteapassagesharingtheirowntravellingexperiencefromthreestages:beforetravelling,duringtravellingandaftertravelling. ...
On the Road, novel by Jack Kerouac, written over the course of three weeks in 1951 and published in 1957. SUMMARY: The free-form book describes a series of frenetic trips across the United States by a number of penniless young people who are in love with life, beauty, jazz, sex, ...
•2.thespecificscene:•Inasnowywinterday,Sargeant,entersastrangetownduringtheDepressionandfindshimselfwithoutshelter,asmanydidduringthisera.ⅡPointofview •Theauthortellsthestoryinomniscient,thirdpersonpointofview,sohecanseeintothemindsofcharactersandall-knowingabouttheirthoughtsandactions.ⅢPlotsummary •In...
ⅢPlotsummary •InLangstonHughes,Sargeantisahomelessblackmanthatisdesperateforfoodandshelterinasnowywinterday.Whenhe’srejectedbytheReverendMr.Dorset,hewenttoachurchforthewhite.Thedoorhadbeenlocked,sohepushedandbrokethedooropen,butthewhitecopswithclubsgrabbedSargeantandhurthimterribly.Eventuallyhewascaughtinjail...
MAXnotes cover the essentials of what one should know about each work, including an overall summary, character lists, an explanation and discussion of the plot, the work's historical context, illustrations to convey the mood of the work, and a biography of the author. Each chapter is individu...
新外研版高中英语必修第二册Unit 5 On the Road ---Blogging Australia教学设计 1.教学内容分析:本文是本单元第一篇阅读文章,让学生对本单元的主题进行初步的感知。本文的语篇类型是访谈,课文通过访谈的形式介绍了一个职业摄影博主的工作内容、与西澳大利亚的渊源以及她
By summarizing the main idea of each paragraph, students can learn the order of this passage, so that they can write their own travel experience. Summary: These pronouns such as“it”“that”“This”“These”may refer to a word, a phrase or a sentence. They can refer back to previous ...
Useful expressions · I've been in.…. for.…· At the moment, I'm at... • The weather is.…. • I'm going to... • Bye for now. • Take care. 三、After-writing 教师活动:邀请几位同学展示他们的作品。四、Summary 总结课上所学。作业布置:复习本节内容,完成同步练习。‘’;...