Define on the rag. on the rag synonyms, on the rag pronunciation, on the rag translation, English dictionary definition of on the rag. n. 1. a. A scrap of cloth. b. A piece of cloth used for cleaning, washing, or dusting. 2. rags Threadbare or tattered c
1. On the rag ①月经;②性情乖张,脾气暴烈(极粗俗) Shes moody today and I guess shes on the rag. 她情绪不好,我猜她可能是来了好事。 释义: rag:月经带,卫生巾 on the rag:有两个意思,一1. On the rag ①月经;②性情乖张,脾气暴烈(极粗俗) She's moody today and I guess she's on the...
英文校园里流行的词_百度知道 ... on hit 特别的,杰出的on the rag[妇女来月经时]心情不好out of here 即将离开 ...|基于5个网页 3. 大姨妈来访 [英文] period 她有好友来访 | 回纹针‧食摄幸也 ... menstrual cycle 生理期on the rag大姨妈来访hormone 贺尔蒙 ... ... bother someone; to irritate someone; to criticize and humiliate someone.The kids all raked on Jed because of his intelligence.I wish you would stop ragging on me. I don’t know why you are so annoyed at me. See also:on,rag,someone ...
M: Ok ok, stop ragging on me! "To rag" can be used with "on", or without "on." The meaning is just the same. L: 噢,我懂了。哎,那你爸爸妈妈他们老是说你什么? M: They rag on me about not cleaning my car, not eating right, drinking too much, not having a girlfriend, not...
"someone is on the rag"It's a really crude expression for a woman going through her period. |It can mean two things. 1. It is a vulgar term for when a woman is having her period 2. It is slang for being bitchy and oversensitive and can be directed at bot
片名On the Rag 又名On the Rag 主演 Jeanette 演职人员(1) Jeanette 演员 相关推荐 更多 2024“新春电影红红火火”路演直播(二) 2023-2024年度中国电影大数据暨电影频道M榜荣誉之夜融媒体直播(一) 2023-2024年度中国电影大数据暨电影频道M榜荣誉之夜融媒体直播(二) 换一换 基本信息 演职人员 1 ...
On the Rag 《On the Rag》是由Jeanette主演的电影。演员表
They rag me all the time about all kinds of things. L: 等等,你刚才说they rag me,那rag后面到底有没有on啊?你说清楚好不好? M: Ok ok, stop ragging on me! "To rag" can be used with "on", or without "on." The meaning is just the same. L:噢,我懂了。哎,那你爸爸妈妈他们老...
on the rag 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.脾气坏的,易怒的 用法及例句: Bill is on the rag and making trouble for everyone.比尔脾气很坏,和谁都过不去。 Her voice was on the rag. 她话里带着怒气。 2.来月经的,行经的 用法及例句: ...