美国街头常用英语俚语(167):On the rag/ On the 1. On the rag ①月经;②性情乖张,脾气暴烈(极粗俗) Shes moody today and I guess shes on the rag. 她情绪不好,我猜她可能是来了好事。 释义: rag:月经带,卫生巾 on the rag:有两个意思,一 1. On the rag ①月经;②性情乖张,脾气暴烈(极粗俗...
美国街头常用英语俚语(167):On the rag/ On the (单词翻译:单击) 1. On the rag ①月经;②性情乖张,脾气暴烈(极粗俗) She's moody today and I guess she's on the rag. 她情绪不好,我猜她可能是来了好事。 释义: rag:月经带,卫生巾 on the rag:有两个意思,一是正常的生理现象,一是非常粗鲁的...
on the rag 用作形容词的意思:(美国俚语) 1.脾气坏的,易怒的 用法及例句: Bill is on the rag and making trouble for everyone.比尔脾气很坏,和谁都过不去。 Her voice was on the rag. 她话里带着怒气。 2.来月经的,行经的 用法及例句: ...
英文校园里流行的词_百度知道 ... on hit 特别的,杰出的on the rag[妇女来月经时]心情不好out of here 即将离开 ... zhidao.baidu.com|基于5个网页 3. 大姨妈来访 [英文] period 她有好友来访 | 回纹针‧食摄幸也 ... menstrual cycle 生理期on the rag大姨妈来访hormone 贺尔蒙 ... ...
in.to bother someone; to irritate someone; to criticize and humiliate someone.The kids all raked on Jed because of his intelligence.I wish you would stop ragging on me. I don’t know why you are so annoyed at me. See also:on,rag,someone ...
总部位于纽约的美国时装品牌Rag & Bone任命Andrew Rosen为执行主席。 Andrew Rosen 多年来一直持有 Rag & Bone 的股份,并担任公司董事会主席。去年7月,Rag & Bone 的联合创始人 Marcus Wainwright 退出品牌后,他与管理团队合作运营业务。他还任命 Robert Geller 为品牌的男装设计主管。
They rag me all the time about all kinds of things. L: 等等,你刚才说they rag me,那rag后面到底有没有on啊?你说清楚好不好? M: Ok ok, stop ragging on me! "To rag" can be used with "on", or without "on." The meaning is just the same. L:噢,我懂了。哎,那你爸爸妈妈他们老...
(and should) also mean happiness and splendor.Legends of Tomorrow, though, is a drama that truly understands the meaning of joy. The series—which follows a rag-tag bunch of misfits through space and time trying to “fix” historical anomalies caused by villains and supernatural beings—can ...
On the Rag 《On the Rag》是由Jeanette主演的电影。演员表