Ontheother hand utterances of Severus which make Christ's sufferingsvoluntarilypermitted, rather than naturally necessitated by the treatment inflictedonHisBody, might perhaps be defended [...] mb-soft.com mb-soft.com 关于他的身体另一方面话语的塞维鲁这使得基督的苦难自愿许可,造成相当的治疗比自然有必...
Ontheother hand, the proposed location of the Central South Station at south of Upper Albert Road was not desirable asitwasfarawayfrom thebusinesscentre. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 另一方面,中環南站設於上亞厘畢道南 面 的建議地點亦不可取, 因 為該處遠離商業中心。
Ontheother hand,byspecifyingthatthe remedy is to last after expiration of the specified period is arguably ultra vires [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 另一方面,指明補救措施持續至指明的期間屆滿後,可以被辯說 為超越了專員在第 50(1)(iii)條下的權限。
**The phrase Zhou shu is sometimes used to refer to the Zhou sections of the Shang shu. In other cases, such as this one, it refers to a work also known as the 逸周書, or “Superfluous [sections of the ] Book of Zhou. Scholars have long assumed that this text contained documents ...
A Simulation Study of the PWM Strategy for Inverters Three-Dimensional Numerical Investigations of Ground Movements of Taipei 101 Deep Excavation 國立中興大學水土保持學系研究所 九十九學年度第二學期 專討四 授課老師 : 陳文福 教授 指導老師 : 林德貴 教授. ...
實在沒心思再讀中文譯本,自身哲學素質不高,所以多用英語原詞,同時中文用詞或者理解都會有偏差,被誤導不支持索賠! 哈哈哈哈,其實以上學的是Frankfurt的開篇兜底,交代清楚本文目的、框架、局限等,讓你讀完咬牙切齒卻又無法報仇。 Oneof the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit....
1 On the one hand, Buddhist texts often reflect colloquialisms and dialect words which were incorporated into textual material; on the other hand, Buddhist discourse occasionally also coined or transformed lexical items which eventually were integrated into the spoken languages of a specific period.2 ...
If the content of the Zhang edition is assumed to be entirely true, then the additional timeframe and altered characters found in Mingxiangji would be incorrect. On the other hand, both versions of the Fayuan Zhulin and the Taiping Guangji state that Tanyi conferred the precepts, but the mo...
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