a The story teaches us a lesson:There is power(力量)of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging word to those who are down can help them out while a discouraging word can kill them. 故事教我们一个教训:有力量(力量)的生与死在舌头。 一个令人鼓舞词对下来的那些人可能帮助他们,当一个...
1859年出版《物种起源(On the Origin of Species)》一书,全面提出以自然选择(Theoty of Natural Selection)为基础的进化学说。该书出版震动当时的学术界,成为生物学史上的一个转折点。自然选择的进化学说对各种唯心的神造论、目的论和物种不变论提出根本性的挑战。使当时生物学各领域已经形成的......
>On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection Or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life 作者:Darwin, Charles 定价:98.99 isbn:1435393864 书名:On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection Or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life...
(Darwin, 1859) ⇒Charles Darwin. (1859). “On the Origin of Species, by Means of Natural Selection; Or, The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.” John Murray. Subject Headings:Natural Selection;Biological Evolution;Heredity;Mutation ...
1. ON the origin of Species:BY means of natural Selection. 2. 越看越感觉,中国国学的精彩之处在于文化艺术,在于科学技术领域,没有相应的科学思维:理论-证据支撑-观察-实验,四大发明或许叫四大工艺更合适一些。中国的古文化更多的是一些经验之谈,这也反馈在中医领域。欧洲在18 19世界的文化科学灿烂奠定了科学...
Darwin, C. On the origin of species by means of natural selection. London: Murray, 1859.Darwin C. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. London, UK: John Murray; 1859....
His work led to the publication of On the Origin of Species, a book that changed the world.《物种起源》全名《论依据自然选择即在生存斗争中保存优良族的物种起源》(On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life),是英国...
aCharles Darwin's book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection was an epoch-making work, which was given a mixed reaction in Europe but in the end received wide recognition. Charles Darwin的书在种类的起源通过自然选择是划时代的工作,在欧洲给混杂的反应,但在最后接受宽公认。 [...
On the Origin of Species(物种起源)是作者Charles Darwin撰写的书籍,《物种起源》(或物种源始),全称《论处在生存竞争中的物种之起源(源于自然选择或者对偏好种族的保存)》,是达尔文论述生物演化的重要著作,出版于1859年。该书是19世纪最具争议的著作之一,其中的观点大多数为当今的科学界普遍接受。在该书...