On the Origin of Species(物种起源)是作者Charles Darwin撰写的书籍,《物种起源》(或物种源始),全称《论处在生存竞争中的物种之起源(源于自然选择或者对偏好种族的保存)》,是达尔文论述生物演化的重要著作,出版于1859年。该书是19世纪最具争议的著作之一,其中的观点大多数为当今的科学界普遍接受。在该书...
《On the Origin of Species》是2003年出版的图书,作者是Darwin, Charles。内容简介 On the Origin of Species caused an uproar when it was first published in 1859. Darwin's theory was that species had evolved from simpler organisms by natural selection acting upon the variability of populations. ...
Oxford World's Classics(牛津世界名著英文版)(共57册), 这套丛书还有 《八十天环游地球》《Aesop’s Fables》《Pride and Prejudice》《Tess of the d’Urbervilles》《Frankenstein》 等。 喜欢读"On the Origin of Species"的人也喜欢· ··· An Inquiry...
On the Origin of Species 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 达尔文(Charles Robert Darwin,1809-1882)英国博物学家,进化论的奠基人。1809年2月12日,出生于英国医生家庭。1825年至1828年在爱丁大学学医,后进入剑桥大学学习神学。1831年从剑桥大学毕业后,以博物学家的身份乘海军勘探船“贝格尔号(Beagle)”作...
Charles Darwin: On the Origin of Species and Autobiography of Charles DarwinBy Charles Darwin (Author), Francis Darwin (Editor).The origin of Species is perhaps the most - important for biology scientific work, and one of the fundamental work in the history of science, created by British natur...
On the Origin of Species 物种起源(英文版) 查尔斯·达尔文 加入书架开始阅读 《物种起源》第一次把生物学建立在完全科学的基础上,以全新的生物进化思想,推翻了“神创论”和物种不变的理论。《物种起源》是达尔文进化论的代表作,标志着进化论的正式确立。尽管也有缺陷与不足之处,但它无疑是一本划时代的科学...
1.《物种起源》(on the origin of species)作者达尔文(charlesdarwin),1859年出版。现场实拍:2011华姐总决赛圆满落幕 … cache.bktx.net|基于647个网页 2. 物种原始 虽然洪博早在达尔文的《物种原始》(On the Origin of Species)出版之前离世,他与阿加西(Louis Agassiz)等反对演化论 … ...
in long term evolutionary dynamics and in future evolution of species(我对物种和亚种多样性之间关系的研究证明,亚种在长期进化动力学和物种未来进化中起着至关重要的作用。)和There are three subspecies of northern giraffe... the highest in the animal kingdom.(例如,北方长颈鹿有3个亚种,而红狐有45个...
Means of Natural Selection. or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. (2nd edition)《On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. or the Preservation of Favoured Races ...
Charles Darwin’s "On the Origin of Species" is credited with sparking evolution’s revolution in scientific thought, but many observers had pondered evolution before him. It was understanding the idea’s significance and selling it to the public that made Darwin great, according to the Arnold ...