Meaning of 'On the nose' What does the saying 'On the nose' mean? Idiom: On the nose Meaning: This means right on time. Country:International English |Subject Area:Body and bodily functions|Usage Type:Both or All Words Used All idioms have been editorially reviewed. Submitted idioms may ...
What does the idiom "down to the wire" mean? What does the idiom "hang on" mean? What does the idiom "snake in the grass" mean? What does the idiom 'on the nose' mean? What does the idiom "off the cuff" mean? What does the idiom "to egg on" mean?
Is "this place is a zoo" an idiom? What does the idiom "over the hill" mean? What does the idiom "when pigs fly" mean? What is an idiomatic phrase? What does the idiom "down in the mouth" mean? What does the idiom 'on the nose' mean?
(as) plain as the nose on (one's) face (as) worthless as tits on a boar (hog) (both) feet on the ground (first) dibs (on something) (have) got it going on (I) wouldn't count on it/(something) (Is) anything going on? (it's) better to be late than be dead on time (...
1.To fit a covering to the inside surface of:a coat lined with fur. 2.To cover the inner surface of:Moisture lined the walls of the cave. 3.To fill plentifully, as with money or food. Idiom: line (one's) pockets To make a profit, especially by illegitimate means. ...
释义 Idiom The budget should hit the $136 billion target on the nose.预算应该正好达到 1 360 亿美元的目标。 时代网英语在线翻译词典收录了323754条英语词汇在线翻译词条,基本涵盖了全部常用英语词汇的中英文双语翻译及用法,是英语学习的有利工具。
Definition of turn one on in the Idioms Dictionary. turn one on phrase. What does turn one on expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.
Château Gruaud Larose A little flat on the nose. Fine granular impression on palate, black fruits just a little muted at present. Should become a classic representation of the chateau showing the drier side of St. Julien. 92/100 Château Lagrange Smooth, elegant, good sense of St. Julien...
Like this video?Subscribe to our free daily email and get a new idiom video every day! fall (flat) on (one's)/its face 1. Literally, to fall and land on one's face.I slipped on the banana peel, fell flat on my face, and nearly broke my nose.Poor Heather fell on her face dur...
Every time someone sneezed, he was risking the danger of dislodging that soul and blowing it out the nose into the outside world. So, as insurance against a lost soul, people would say "God bless you" to be sure that God would catch the soul and return it to...