On the night you were born, the moon smiled with such wonder that the stars peeked into see you and the night wind whispered, "life will never be the same." 在你出生的那一晚,月亮微笑着,星星也偷偷的看你,夜风低声说,“生活永远不一样。” Because there had never been anyone like you.....
On the night you were born, the moon smiled with such wonder that the stars peeked into see you and the night wind whispered, "life will never be the same." 在你出生的那一晚,月亮微笑着,星星也偷偷的看你,夜风低声...
On the night you were born, the moon smiled with such wonder that the stars peeked into see you and the night wind whispered, "life will never be the same." Because there had never been anyone like you... ever in the world. So enchanted with you were the wind and the rain that th...
今天的绘本故事是《On the Night You Were Born》。这本绘本不像是一个故事,更像是一首赞美新生命的颂歌,绘本中无论是画面还是文字,都如诗一般的美丽。 作者天马行空地调集了世间万物来歌颂新生命诞生:从翩翩起舞的北极熊,到万里归乡的大雁,再到温柔如水的明月,最后到天堂里齐鸣的号角。作者以此向世人宣告:每...
On the Night You Were Born 你出生的那个晚上 2015-08-19 10:52:0512:03 1394 所属专辑:晓华亲子英语-经典童话故事 喜欢下载分享 声音简介晓华亲子英语:晓华,中国国际广播电台英文主播,拥有高水平的同传技能。从女儿Emma两岁起,每天给她讲故事、读原版绘本,唱儿歌,并共同开办了节目《幼儿英语故事屋》。在家坚持...
《On the Night You Were Born 》是一首赞美新生命的颂歌。作家天马行空地调集了世间万物,从翩翩起舞的北极熊,到万里归乡的大雁、温柔如水的明月,再到天堂里齐鸣的号角,来歌颂这世间最为奇妙、美好的事情——新生命的诞生。书中用纯白的底色来衬托诗一般的文字,空灵洁净:图画部分则色彩奇异斑斓,将现实世界的万物...
【英文有声绘本】你出生的那个晚上《On the night you were born 》 孩子降生的那个晚上,是父母这辈子最重要的一个节目,在爸爸妈妈心里,每个小孩都是最独特的存在。 点击
母亲节,为孩子、为自己,读一首美好的诗歌《On the Night You Were Born-你出生的那个晚上》,感受生命的神奇和母爱的伟大。《On the Night You Were Born》的作者南希·蒂尔曼(Nancy Tillman)是一位畅销童书作家。她创作的很多绘本...
on the night you were born (机器翻译:在你出生的那天晚上)作者:Nancy Tillman 出版社:Feiwel & Friends ISBN(13位):9781250083951 语种:英语 开本:16 页数:32 市场价:¥ 59.9装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存 精装 九成新 ¥ 18.30 ¥ 16.10 0 有货通知 ...