Yesterday, people on the social media site Twitter reacted with surprise and humor to a report that claimed, “Scientists have taught spinach to send emails.” That’s not exactly true, but the “news” is based on some amazing work done by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) scienti...
Twitter’ssensitive media policystipulates that people who don’t want to view inappropriate content can easily avoid it. Users under 18 are automatically restricted from tweets not deemed appropriate. Under the policy, Twitter doesn’t allow the following sensitive media content under any circumstances...
From Media Hype to Twitter Storm: News Explosions and Their Impact on Issues, Crises and Public Opinion,doi:10.7202/1072092arCloutier-Roy, ChristophePolitique et Sociétés
We find that legacy media, most notably newspapers and broadcasters, figure very prominently in the political discussions on Twitter. Legacy media generated more than seven times as much activity and engagement as digital-born news media during the election. Our results suggest that some newspapers ...
X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, blurs sensitive content by default. You can change your settings, however, to see the content.
From media hype to twitter storm: news explosions and their impact on issues, crises and public opinionby Peter Vasterman, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 2018, 401 pp., $136 (Hardback), ISBN 9789462982178Zeyu ZhangOhio University
This statistic presents the importance of social media according to Twitter users in the United States who identify as TV superfans as of January 2017.
According to Twitter, the enforcement action taken for policy violations woulddepend on the type of mediaand where it has been posted. The company bans "graphic violence, adult content and hateful imagery"in live video and profile images, so those are unacceptable under any circumstances. First-...
Reading the news on Twitter: source and item memory for social media in younger and older adults A majority of American adults who use the Internet have social media accounts (e.g., Facebook, Twitter (Green- wood, Perrin, & Duggan, 2016)). Although younger adults are more likely to use...
When you begin implementing a social media strategy for your business, one of the first questions you'll ask yourself is this one —Should my business be on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram? Those three social media sites offer considerable opportunities to connect and engage with a network, in...