The meaning of ON THE GROUNDS THAT is for the reason that : because. How to use on the grounds that in a sentence.
如果难以说明的话,请教我一下例句。 nb84 2015年2月21日 英语(美国) "On the grounds that" tends to be used in certain specific (and usually somewhat formal) situations. It does have a meaning very similar to "because", however. "On the grounds that" is often used in legal contexts,...
There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds that they are not objectively true, that giants, witches, two-headed dragons, magic carpets, etc. do not exist; and that, instead of being fond of the strange side in fairy tales, the child should be taught to learn the...
will beautify the grounds with flower beds deck implies the addition of something that contributes to gaiety, splendor, or showiness. a house all decked out for Christmas garnish suggests decorating with a small final touch and is used especially in referring to the serving of food. an entr...
The journal pressed on with its editorial campaigns on education, following with utmost scrutiny the implementation of the British Technical Instruction Act and supporting a single University of London on the grounds that “a duplication of Universities in London would be a misfortune of the first ...
On Truth and Meaning: Language, Logic and the Grounds of Belief.By Christopher Norrisdoi:10.1558/jocr.v8i3.374PeterDepartmentAmatoDepartmentInformaworldJournal of Critical Realism
Successive governments havepermitted such increases on the grounds that the cost of investing in andrunning the rail network should be borne by those who use it, rather than thegeneral taxpayer. Why, the argument goes, should a car-driving pensioner fromLincolnshire have to subsidise the daily co...
Generally, it was found that the surveying procedure and the land surveyor are the most important factors of success in boundary settlements, closely followed by the landowner, while the land data (cadastral data) is the least important factor. We also found that the land surveyor influences the...
For 'what needs to be' has a double meaning: it means what is inevitable, as often is the case with evils, too (for evil of some kind is inevitable), while on the other hand we say of good things as well that they 'need to be'. Moreover, 'The same man is both seated and ...
The meaning of FROM THAT POINT ON is beginning at that time. How to use from that point on in a sentence.