Knowing the projection of your data is important especially when working with data that is part of a dataset that is larger than just your county or state. This tasksheet will cover how to change the projection of an existing file as well as enabling on the fly projection in QGIS.Amy A....
I’m looking to understand in a more advanced way how QGIS handles on-the-fly projection. In my case I set the project crs in epsg:3857 and I have a raster layer in epsg:4326. In this case what is happening with the layer? I know that it’s based on PROJ, but I’m wondering ...
it seems that qgis assumes that the projection used meters instead of feet. Replying to "smizuno":/issues/show/1221: The situation: project CRS set to epsg:26915 with on-the-fly projection enabled; a layer in epsg:26915 for reference. A shape file in Washington county coordinates, feet (...
QGIS tools to capture and zoom to coordinates using decimal, DMS, WKT, GeoJSON, MGRS, UTM, UPS, GEOREF, ECEF, H3, and Plus Codes notation. Provides external map support, MGRS & Plus Codes conversion and point digitizing tools. - qgis-latlontools-plugin/i
We all know that most people look at the world through the lens of the Mercator projection. And indeed, if we rotate Norway on the plane of this projection, it does reach into Africa: So is it true? We also know that Mercator famously exaggerates areas towards the pole. So could this...
while others focused the projection on a regional level. Although CLIMEX combines both inductive and deductive approaches to simulate pest distribution, the thermal requirements data forP. absolutaused in these studies to adjust models’ parameters were not validated under field conditions. More recently...
If I turn on "Project on the fly" the acreage calculation is then 19.47. It's still wrong if I make sure the Map Canvas is in the native projection of the data layer and Project on the fly is enabled. It's wrong if I move the CRS to match a different data layer (CRS of the ...
Author Name: Magnus Homann (@homann) Original Redmine Issue: 574 Redmine category:projection_support Start qgis Turn on projection with default WGS84 Load topo.tif (see #10620) Out of memory abort
All maps are stored in thegeojsonformat: single file per feature layer, human and machine readable, easy to import inqGISor use inD3(seed3v5_example.htmlas well asd3v5_roughjs_example.htmlwith the additional use ofrough.js).Integration in Leaflet, OpenLayers et al. is also easy to ach...
the origin of karezes, the role and significance of karezes are similar. The Turpan Basin is a relatively closed inland basin in China, far from the ocean, with a very dry climate and high evaporation rates. However, due to the ice and snow meltwater of the Tianshan Mountains, the ...