on the face of it乍看起来;乍一看 You say on the face of it when you are describing how something seems when it is first considered, in order to suggest that people's opinion may change when they know or think mo...
Define on the face of it. on the face of it synonyms, on the face of it pronunciation, on the face of it translation, English dictionary definition of on the face of it. n. 1. a. The surface of the front of the head from the top of the forehead to the ba
on the face of it 美 英 na.(单)由外表判断 英汉 英英 na. 1. (单)由外表判断,一看就... 例句 释义: 全部,由外表判断 更多例句筛选
“On the face of it, he looks like he is up to no good.”(从表面上看,他看起来像是在干坏事。) 但这种说法预留了进一步了解实际情况的可能性,也许那个人只是在等朋友。 In the long run "In the long run" 意味着在较长的时间范围内,而不是短期内。 它强调的是长期的效果或结果,而非即时的或...
David Gilbert,WIRED, 16 July 2024See all Example Sentences foron the face of it Dictionary Entries Nearon the face of it on the edge of one's seat on the face of it on the face of the earth See More Nearby Entries Cite this Entry ...
dieof/from 死于 dieoff 相继死去 bedyingfor/todo 渴望得到/做……;Thesoundofthecardiedawayinthedistance. 汽车的声音渐渐消失在远方。 Inacoldwinter,manywildanimalscandieofhunger. 在寒冷的冬天,许多野生动物可能会饿死。 Iamdyingtoknowwhathappenedbecauseitwassostrange. ...
of tourists travel to unesco world heritage sites every year, so it is only natural that the sitessuffer a bit of wear and tear. the temples of angkor in cambodia are typical examples of unique architecture. every day, thousands of tourists ...
⑤TheabundanceofspecificwordsinEnglishforgeneralnotions(Para.10)Examples:march,pace,patrol,stalk,stride,tread,tramp,stepout…Comparisonandanalogy Comparison:Astatementorestimateofsimilaritiesanddifferences Analogy:showingsimilaritiesbetweentwothingsofdifferentclasses Itaimsatshowingsomethingmeaningful.
11、rives home his points(4) Advertisers keep repeating the names of the product in order to drive the message home. 13.2. Line 4: hitting it squarely on the head: directly, used both literally and figuratively, examples. The boxer hit his opponent squarely on the jawWe must face the pro...