After compiling a large dataset on the prevalence of fish–coral interactions, we found that only a minority of fish species associate strongly with live corals (~5%). Furthermore, we reveal an evolutionary decoupling between fish and coral lineage trajectories. While fish lineages expanded in the...
This study uses short-term assays and long-term transplant experiments to document the potential importance of fish predation and herbivory to the distribution and abundance of reef-building corals in a Caribbean back-reef system. Experimental manipulations of fish access reveal that the zonal patterns...
Symbiosis can benefit hosts in numerous ways, but less is known about whether interactions with hosts benefit symbionts—the smaller species in the relationship. To determine the fitness impact of host association on symbionts in likely mutualisms, we conducted a meta-analysis across 91 unique host-...
The impacts of competitive interactions on coral colonies after transplantation: a multispecies experiment from the Florida Keys, USReef restoration programs in Florida, US, focused initially on Acropora, but there is now a need to include other species that have also experienced declines. An out...
Land-based inputs, such as runoff, rivers, and submarine groundwater, can alter biologic processes on coral reefs. While the abiotic factors associated with land-based inputs have strong effects on corals, corals are also affected by biotic interactions, including other neighboring corals. The ...
While the direct physical impact on seabed biota is well understood, no studies have defined thresholds to inform an ecosystem-based approach to managing fishing impacts. We addressed this knowledge gap using a large-scale experiment that created a controlled gradient of fishing intensity and assessed...
Consumption rates are the foundation of trophic ecology, yet bioenergetics models used to estimate these rates can lack realism by not incorporating the ontogeny of diet. We constructed a bioenergetics model of a marine predatory fish (tailor, Pomatomus
associated with the crab’s body size and day/night activities. Whereas all crabs were found within sheltered spaces in the coral canopy understory or in the base during day hours, laboratory experiments revealed that nighttime distributions of small and large crabs (in middle and up compartments...
Large brown algae suffered the greatest mortality across all uplifted areas, regardless of degree of uplift. However, coralline algae also suffered high or severe mortality at all uplifted sites. These are low-stature base algae that form the primary cover of rocky substrates through much of the...
Coral reef fish in the Maldives I spent last week in the Maldives at the lovely small hotel on Summer Island doing my best to be offline, just trying to relax and engage in the real world of nature away from the the tyranny of the virtual digital world. This provided a wonderful opportu...