Paul, On the distance Laplacian spectra of graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 460 (2014), 97-110.Milan Nath and Somnath Paul, On the distance Laplacian spectra of graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 460 (2014), 97-110.Nath M, Paul S. On the distance Laplacian spectra of graphs[J]. Linear Algebra...
distance Laplacian spectral radiusCorona of two graphs has been defined in [F. Harary,Graph Theory(Addison-Wesley, 1969)]. In this paper, we study the distance and the distance Laplacian spectra of corona of two graphs and describe the complete distance (distance Laplacian) spectrum for some ...
Moreover, we prove that one class of unicyclic graphs are determined by their signless Laplacian spectra.doi:10.5402/2011/282940Mu-Huo LiuInternational Scholarly Research NetworkIsrn AlgebraLiu, M.H., Some results on the signless Laplacian spectra of unicyclic graphs, ISRN Algebra, 2011, Article ...
the degree diagonal matrix of vertex degrees and the adjacency matrix of G.In this paper,we obtain new upper bounds of spectral radius of Laplacian matrices of graphs by the square sum of the degree sequence of a graph and Spectra theory of non-negative matrix, the result improves previous ...
On the A α -spectra of graphsdoi:10.1016/j.laa.2018.07.003Huiqiu Lin aJie Xue bJinlong Shu bLinear Algebra and its Applications
We characterize all connected graphs with exactly three distinct normalized Laplacian eigenvalues among which one is equal to 1, and determine all connected bipartite graphs with at least one vertex of degree 1 having exactly four distinct normalized Laplacian eigenvalues. In addition, we find all uni...
TOWARDS A SPECTRAL THEORY OF GRAPHS BASED ON THE SIGNLESS LAPLACIAN, III. This part of our work further extends our project of building a new spectral theory of graphs (based on the signless Laplacian) by some results on graph an... Cvetković,Dragoš,Simić,... - 《Applicable Analysi...
of neural tissue. In this theory, neural interactions between different cortical locations are approximated by a homogeneous spatial kernel that declines roughly exponentially with distance22, in line with experimental evidence that the organization of the nervous systems of numerous species is universally...
Employing certain Gaussian measures associated to the spectra of normalized Laplacians and the corresponding L1 distances, the first named author, Jost, the third named author and Stadler [21], [20] explored a spectral distance well-defined on the set of all finite graphs without any constraint ...
In particular, we uncover a class of smooth distances on a surface transitioning from a purely spectral distance to the geodesic distance between points; these distances also can be extended to the volume inside and outside the surface. A number of additional applications of our machinery to ...