On the complexity of matrix multiplication. PhD thesis, U. Edinburgh, 2010.A. Sothers, On the Complexity of Matrix Multiplication, Ph.D. thesis, University of Edinburg, 2010.A. Stothers. On the Complexity of Matrix Multiplication. PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2010....
On Obtaining Upper Bounds on the Complexity of Matrix Multiplication. For each matrix-matrix product AB there is an equivalent matrix-vector product Xy, with X of a special form. If the set of matrices of the form X is contained in a module generated by t matrices, each expressible as a...
Fault tolerance has been viewed as critical to the effective use of these GPUs. In this paper, we present an on-line GPU error detection, location, and correction method to incorporate fault tolerance into matrix multiplication. The main contribution of the paper is to extend the traditional ...
quantum communication complexity advantage implies violation of a bell inequality.量子通信复杂性优势意味着违反贝尔不平等 热度: On the Translation of Idioms From a Perspective of Culture 热度: On the complexity of earthquake sequences a historical… ...
On the other hand, we will show that testing if a directed graph is transitive and testing if a graph is a comparability graph are subquadratic-time solvable (our algorithm is practical, since it is not based on intricate matrix multiplication algorithms)....
Also, your addition needs to use the k and l indices, so that you move along a row of a[][] and a column of b[][]: s=s+a[k][j++]*b[i++][l]; You are setting the result outside of your column loop, so you only set one result per row. Change the code to this by...
We study the computational complexity of the satisfiability problem and the complement of the equivalence problem for complemented (orthocomplemented) modu
The idea of MRT is to linearly transform the DDFs into "moment space" by matrix multiplication and relax these moments individually, promising better stability and accuracy. In practice, in the vast majority of cases, it has zero or even negative effects on stability and accuracy, and simple ...
Since switching the order of matrix multiplication does not change the set of nonzero eigenvalues, the nonzero eigenvalues of Q1/2 Qˆ −S 1 Q1/2 coincide with those of Qˆ −1 S Q. From (32) one sees that Qˆ −S 1 Q = I|S| Q−S 1 Q S,[n]\S 00 is an ...
issues, but on discovering this one, it seems more appropriate to post here since the problems appear to be closely related or even the same. In my case, the issue manifested itself as an unexpectedly high error in the associativity of matrix multiplication, as demonstrated by this example ...