B. Pareigis, “On the cohomology of modules over Hopf algebras,” J. Algebra, 22 , No. 1, 161–182 (1972).Pareigis, B.: On the cohomology of modules over Hopf algebras. J. Algebra 22 (1972), 161-182.P a r e i g i s , B.: On the Cohomology of Modules over Hopf ...
Note on the cohomology of color Hopf and Lie algebrasLet A be a ( G , 蠂 )-Hopf algebra with bijective antipode and let M be a G-graded A-bimodule. We prove that there exists an isomorphism HH gr ( A , M ) Ext A -gr ( K , ( M ) ad ) , where K is viewed as the ...
A five term sequence for the low degree cohomology of a smash product of (cocommutative) Hopf algebras is obtained, generalizing that of Tahara for a semi-direct product of groups.Mitja MastnakEprint Arxiv MathMastnak, On the Cohomology of a Smash Product of Hopf Algebras, preprint (2002),...
NoteonTheCohomologyofColorHopfandLieAlgebras 系统标签: cohomologyalgebrashopfliecolornote arXiv:math-ph/0504080v21Dec2005NoteontheCohomologyofColorHopfandLieAlgebrasXiao-WuChen∗DepartmentofMathematicsUniversityofScienceandTechnologyofChinaHefei,Ahui,230026,P.R.ChinaandUSTC,ShanghaiInstituteforAdvancedstudiesShang...
On the cohomology of some Hopf algebras In this paper we study certain injective resolutions for some Hopf algebras. An injective resolution for a coalgebra A with augmentation η is defined to be such an exact sequence that where K is the basic field, X n are injective A -com... N Shi...
On the Cohomological Impact of a Quasi-Poisson Structure for Some Poisson Cohomology Spaces. Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Applications. 2022; 9(1):1-6. doi: 10.12691/jmsa-9-1-1AbstractIn order to construct a Poisson cohomology complex in the quasi-Poisson context, we establish an ...
the area, including representation theory, flag varieties, Schubert varieties, vector bundles, loop groups and Kac-Moody Lie algebras, Galois cohomology of algebraic groups, and Tannakian categories.In addition to the original papers in ... VB Mehta 被引量: 24发表: 2007年 Proceedings of the Int...
algebracohomologyliearisingcentralkoszul arXiv:math/0303327v1[math.RA]26Mar2003ONTHECOHOMOLOGYOFTHELIEALGEBRAARISINGFROMTHELOWERCENTRALSERIESOFAp-GROUP.JUSTINMAUGERAbstract.WestudythecohomologyH∗(A)=Ext∗A(k,k)ofalocallyfinite,connected,cocommutativeHopfalgebraAoverk=Fp.Specifically,weareintereste...
J. S. P. WANG - On the cohomology of the mod-2 Steenrod algebra and the non- existence of elements of Hopf invariant one, Ill. J. Math. 11 (... JSP Wang - 《Illinois Journal of Mathematics》 被引量: 98发表: 1967年 The uniqueness of integrals for Hopf algebras and some existence...
) become much simpler. In particular, one can compute the cohomology of (e.g., from the cohomology of ), and one finds that it is cyclic over the Steenrod algebra. One can then try to “descend” to the cohomology of . This “descent” procedure is made much simpler by a battery of...