Stationary planetary flow patterns driven by source sink distributions in an ocean on the rotating earth were developed in Part I. These theoretical results are now used to construct a highly idealized model of the general abyssal circulation of the world ocean. The model is based on the ...
On the abyssal circulation of the world ocean—V. The influence of bottom slope on the broadening of inertial boundary currentsTheoretical or Mathematical, Experimental/ oceanography/ abyssal circulationworld oceanbottom slopeinertial boundary currents...
On the abyssal circulation of the world ocean. 1. Deep-Sea Res. 6: 140-154. WIIEEIX.R, E- . II._ 1970. Atlantic deep-sea copcp- oda. Smithson. Contrib. Zool. 55: l-31.]]>doi:10.4319/lo.1971.16.6.0952This article is in Free Access Publication and may be downloaded using the ...
ON THE ABYSSAL CIRCULATION OF THE WORLD OCEAN. III. AN ADVECTION-LATERAL MIXING MODEL OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF A TRACER PROPERTY IN AN OCEAN BASIN. ( STOMMEL and ARONS, 1960a; 1960b), is used to interpret the distribution of dissolved oxygen and radiocarbon in the abyssal North Atlantic (dept...
F The circulatory system of the world's oceans is like a huge conveyor belt, moving water and dis-solved minerals and nutrients from one hemisphere to the other, and from the ocean's abyssal depths to the surface. The A C C is the longest current in the world, and has the largest ...
A note on the deep circulation of the western North Atlantic: its nature and causes Based on presently available long-term moored current meter measurements, the abyssal circulation in the western North Atlantic is hypothesized to have two... Hogg,G Nelson - 《Deep Sea Research Part A Oceanogra...
海底长期钻孔监测技术装备(Long-Term Borehole Monitoring Systems,LTBMS)也被称为CORK(Circulation Obviation Retrofit Kit),可以对海底深层地质过程进行原位长期监测(图8)[97]。Solomon等[98]已经对过去几十年中的CORK设计进行了综述。最近,日本研发了一种非常复杂的海底长期钻孔监测技术装备,监测深度达100 m,包括...
The internal flow properties of the sampler were analyzed for different pumping flow rates the sampler. When the flow rate of the sampler pump was greater than 14 m3/h, the velocity of the inlet of the inflow area was greater than the limiting velocity of the deep-sea biologicals. The ...
Two models are employed to study the effect of topographically induced planetary islands (i.e. closed contours of potential vorticity) on the abyssal circulation of an ocean basin. The first is a steady state calculation using a 1½ layer model of the abyssal ocean forced by a uniform upwell...
abyssal circulationnumerical model gyreseddy-resolved general circulation modelcirculation patternscounterrotating deep flowadiabatic quasi-geostrophic two-layer modelseddiesocean circulation/ A9210D Dynamics of the deep oceanMesoscale resolution ocean general circulation model (EGCM) experiments have been carried ...