1. 鸟瞰:意义和指称 Sense and reference: a short overview 弗雷格(Gottlob Frege)在Über Sinn und Bedeutung中认为每一个直觉上有含义(intuitively meaningful)的表达都有“意义”(sense,即德语sinn),所谓意义即一种对指称物(referent,即德语bedeutung)的“呈现方式”(mode of presentation)。 罗素、克里普克、卡...
If the reference of a sign is an object perceivable by the sense, my idea of it is an internal image, arising from memories of sense impressions which I have had an acts. 引自On sense and reference & Thought by Gottlob Frege 弗雷格在此常用的另一个词是idea,这个词被王路翻译为“表象”。
on sense and reference on sense and reference 11英语2班戴金桦201124310205 when mention about sense and reference, we have to know the subject concerning the study of the meaning is called semantics. more specifically, semantics is the study of the meaning of linguistic units, words and ...
On Sense and Reference英文电子资料.pdf,O N SENSE AND REFERENCE 7 between the signs corresponds to a difference in the mode of presentation of that which is designated. Let a,6, c be the lines connecting the vertices of a triangle with the midpoints of th
The problems involved with sense and reference differ significantly from those dealt with in the previous chapter. The problems we dealt with there involved questions of logic and logical calculus, which Frege indubitably considered to be ontologically relevant; the problems we are about to discuss ...
Gottlob Frege On Sense And Reference 意义与指称 弗雷格.pdf,Translations from the osophical of Gottlob Fre EDITED BY PETER GEACH Professor of Logic, University of Leeds AND M A X BLACK Profrssor of W ~ h s o p h y C, ~ r r w l lIlruwnrty B A S I L B L A C
Frege: ON SENSE AND REFERENCE http://mind.ucsd.edu/syllabi/00-01/phil235/a_readings/frege_S&R... 1 of 17 6/20/12 8:47 AM besides that to which the sign refers, which may be called the reference of the sign, also what I should ...
Frege on Sense and ReferenceSubstitutivity vindicated
"On Sense and Direct Reference: Readings in the Philosophy of Language" focuses on the debate between neo-Fregeans and neo-Russellians in philosophy of language. With a foreword by Nathan Salmon, the volume collects more than 40 of the most important papers in philosophy of language in the ...
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Language: Frege on Sense and reference Sense, reference, and philosophy Jerrold J. Katz Oxford University Press, 2004 M Morris 被引量: 0发表: 2006年 Frege and the Logic of Sense and Reference This book aims to develop certain aspects of Gottlob Frege's ...