Recently, Nunge studied Eulerian polynomials on segmented permutations, namely generalized Eulerian polynomials , and further asked whether their coefficients form unimodal sequences. In this paper, we prove the stability of the generalized Eulerian polynomials and hence confirm Nunge's conjecture. Our ...
After this, multivariate partial least squares regression (PLSR) was used to assess the ability of the non-imaging factors and total intracranial volume to predict the artery measurements extracted from the TOF MRA datasets. PLSR is a statistical approach that can be classified as a supervised dime...
Network theory has always been a leading tool for analyzing the intricate connectedness relationship because it can conquer the “dimension barrier” of multivariate econometric models and simplify complex financial systems (Acemoglu et al., 2015, Battiston et al., 2016, Huang et al., 2018). And...
To do this, we executed hierarchical multiple regression analyses that included main effects for family poverty, prevention status (SAAF = 1; control = 0), and the interaction of family poverty with prevention status. In all models, sex and intracranial volume were controlled. ...
asymptotic regression model (concave for the diversity indices and convex for dispersion) in response to the exponential of reciprocalNbvalues using thelmfunction in thestatspackage v4.1.160. TheNbbreakpoint (Nbp) of fitting curves was fixed using thesegmentedfunction in thesegmentedpackage v1.6-465...
BAMDT: Bayesian Additive Semi-Multivariate Decision Trees for Nonparametric Regression (ICML 2022) Zhao Tang Luo, Huiyan Sang, Bani K. Mallick [Paper] Quant-BnB: A Scalable Branch-and-Bound Method for Optimal Decision Trees with Continuous Features (ICML 2022) Rahul Mazumder, Xiang Meng, Haoyue...
trial, which might have attenuated any between-group differences in symptom outcomes even though participants were asked to discontinue nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs prior to each assessment, and the use of analgesics taken for breakthrough pain was also adjusted for in the multivariate models....
[7]). Guys.miR.CoxRegAllRes: results from DMFS and BCSS survival analysis on ER-negative and TNBC samples, using different univariate and multivariate Cox-regression models (described in Additional File) (Wald test p-value, HR, and FDR corrected q-values). ExtDataSets.miR.CoxRegAllRes: ...
Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to determine the prognostic factor of radiomics and significant radiomics features. Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to validate the performance of single best-performing feature.
(EEG) by the Hanning function. In such a way, the ends of the time record are forced smoothly to zero regardless of the signal at those parts. This approach is useful when performing spectral analysis on segmented data and avoids artefacts due to abrupt change in the amplitude of the ...