stratus,中文翻译为“层云”,如此来看,Cloudstratus 3 绝对是名副其实,拥有 On昂跑标志性的双层 CloudTec® 专利鞋底科技,如同云层般堆叠的 Cloud 模块从视觉上就带来了足够的缓震感受,主打的就是舒适与缓震。 Cloudstratus 3 的中底为Helion™ superfoam 泡棉,而较为有趣的是,Cloudstratus 3 的脚感和记忆枕略有...
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Cumulus. Stratus. Cirrus. All of us learned these cloud types at some point in elementary or middle school science class — and experienced a sudden realization that not all cloud formations were the same. For at least a few weeks or months, it changed how we looked up at the sky, seein...
We have had the grotesque spectacle of a British prime minister, on the floor of the House of Commons, defending - like some medieval crusader - the teaching of creationism in the science curriculum at a sponsor-run school whose running costs are wholly met from the public purse. ...
and a wide range of unique environmental habitats. It also has over 70 miles of carriage roads and trails for hiking, cycling, trail running, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and horseback riding. It is also a major destination for rock climbers in the eastern United States. The Preserve ...
every tree can suddenly speak as a nymph, when a god in the shape of a bull can drag away maidens, when even the goddess Athena herself is suddenly seen in the company of Peisastratus driving through the market place of Athens with a beautiful team of horses—and this is what the ...
n0dec/MalwLess Test blue team detections without running any attack OTRF/Microsoft-Sentinel2Go Microsoft Sentinel2Go is an open source project developed to expedite the deployment of a Microsoft Sentinel research lab. OTRF/SimuLand Cloud Templates and scripts to deploy mordor environments praetorian...
One view is that of “Web thin client” due to ubiquitous mobile communications will be the norm backed by OS agnostic services communicating via XML over HTTP (or whatever the future brings). These services running on “cloud computing” systems (as evidenced via Googles Chrom&Gears outlook am...