Multilingual probabilistic topic models have been widely used in topic of mining area in multilingual documents, this paper proposes the Khmer-Chinese bilingual latent Dirichlet allocation (KCB-LDA) model based on the bilingual dictionary. With the bilingual attribute of entries in dictionary, this meth...
Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EW, UK Matthew L. Maddess, Miles N. Tackett & Steven V. Ley Editor information Editors and Affiliations Novartis Pharma AG, Lichtstrasse 35, 4056, Basel, Switzerland Frank Petersen & René Amstutz & ...
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Ciomadul (Fig.1) is located in eastern-central Europe, in the eastern part of the Carpathian–Pannonian Region, which has experienced volcanic activity for the last 20 Ma in response to the formation of the Pannonian Basin with lithospheric thinning as well as subduction and collision along the...
(automatic stop StepWise Linear Discriminant Analysis—asSWLDA68) has been used. This algorithm has been already validated and successfully employed for EEG-based workload assessment in operational environments, such as air traffic management31and car driving32. Once trained with specific “calibration ...
Manipulative competition are currently limited to a single pair experiments on of species15 and the it is uronlceleoafrewlehveatthederCthOis2 1Griffith School of Environment & Australian Rivers Institute - Coast & Estuaries, Nathan Campus, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Road, Brisbane, Nathan, ...
3D Opportunity in the Automotive Industry: Additive Manufacturing Hits the Road. A Deloitte Series on Additive Manufacturing. Deloitte University press. 2014. Available online: content/dam/insights/us/articles/additive-manufacturing-3d-opportunity-in-automotive/DUP_707-3D-...
ttianiacnnliudndgipnbrgaoscMaeldatrufisrhbea.elrlTswhtaeebnrie,liptdyrief(fpMearSer)ne,tdfloupwasrinavmgaletuhteeer(sMFVoa)fr, shall test maeirthvoodidisn(tVhAis) satnuddvy,owidhs iicnhmisinaevraelryagpgorepgualtaers d(VeMsigAn),masetwheoldl aosf vaosipdhsaflitllmedixwtuitrhe adsupehat...
She is buried in the Mitchell Cemetery on Hoofus Hollor*- Road. Her obituary appeared in Tbe Nasbuille V/hUn the Thutsday, 30 April edition. Robert and Margaret had four childrer The Daryhters of tbe Americat Rewlilion Cemeteg, Recordr for Robetson Come, Tennessee, Qt. 252. Item ...
OPEN Open Road Industries OPER Open Roadsters of Texas OPL Opel OPNR Open Road Campers, Inc. ORBI Orbit Industries, Inc. ORCO Orcon Incustries OREG MANGMfd. by Oregon Mfg. Co., Inc. ORIG Original Equipment Manufacturing, LTD.Sudbury, Ontario ORIO Oriole Trailer Mfg. Co. ORLA Orlando Boar...