R2-2914 - Using latest image runner to push tags Jul 11, 2024 buildspec.yml Adding release-2-10 server Feb 29, 2024 config.ru R2-2642 Adding comments to Gemfile, config.ru, .pryrc Oct 20, 2023 jest.config.js Fixing jest unit test from hanging due to memory leak ...
Daily Updates & Push Notifications Sample (using Dialogflow) in Java actions-on-google/dialogflow-updates-java’s past year of commit activity Java2Apache-2.0712UpdatedApr 16, 2024 appactions-common-biis-kotlinPublic This sample Android app manages items on to-do lists using Google Assistant impleme...
GitHub Actions enable automation of workflows in response to repository events, such as push, pull requests, or issue creation. This integration allows for a seamless CI/CD pipeline within the GitHub ecosystem, handling everything from build and test workflows for new pull requests to deployment ...
Just add their Git repo as a remote (you can still host your code on GitHub or Bitbucket or anywhere else you like), and deploying to dev is as simple as: git push pantheon-dev master Command-line deployment to test and live Pantheon has a CLI tool called Terminus that can be used ...
GitHub Actions: sure, there is not much difference between what a bot can do and what can be done with GitHub Actions. I considered trying something using them, but at the beginning they only supported the push event. Now that the pull request event is supported as well, this should becom...
Project Website:GitHub Requirements:A Raspberry Pi and an AdafruitPowerBoost 500 Chargeror1000C Charger Skillset:Requires soldering skills and a basic knowledge of the command line License:GPL Version 3 Power-Up / Power-Down Version Seethis pagefor a version in which the push button switch can...
This app is free for browsing but you’ll need the enterprise edition to be able to push commits. Different views of the WorkingCopy app FastHub is another popular alternative but seems to be undergoing a major refactoring at the moment so it is wise to wait for the new major version to...
Next, we need to build a Docker image from the Dockerfile, create an ECR repository, and push the image to the repository for later use. The provided shell scriptbuild_and_push_docker.shperforms all these actions. In this section, we walk through the steps in the...
将本地分支推送到 GitHub在Visual Studio Code 终端中,将本地分支 main 推送到远程存储库。Bash 复制 git push origin main 由于尚未做出任何更改,因此无需提交任何更改。创建静态 Web 应用资源选择Azure 图标,再右键单击 Static Web Apps 服务,然后选择“创建 Static Web App ...
Changes: Added Commit ID info into atlas-actions' version Build when tags pushed. By default, use tag or branch name for the binary (No more default to v1). It mean, push to the master branch will...