After more than a century of concerted effort, physics still lacks basic principles of spontaneous self-organization. To appreciate why, we first state the problem, outline historical approaches, and survey the present state of the physics of self-organization. This frames the particular challenges ...
(45 CFR 46) (the Common Rule), and our Ethics Program promotes the principles of the Belmont Report in our research institution. In addition to the ethics review, our study obtained approvals from Microsoft’s privacy, security, and legal review officers prior to obtaining and analyzing the ...
To prevent this subordination of intellectual work to the immediate interests of these organization, I prefer the stance of critical engagement. Squaring the circle is never easy, as it involves a difficult combination of commitment to the goals of these movements while being faithful to the ...
context-free ‘principles’ that can be ‘applied’ by anybody in any situation. This disregards the importance of initial conditions and path-dependent nature of whatever happens in practice and perpetuates an illusion of rationality
Ulieru M, Este RA (2004) The holonic enterprise and theory emergence: on emergent features of self-organization in distributed virtual agents. Cybern Hum Knowing 11(1):79–98Mihaela U,Este R A. The Holonic Enterprise and Theory Emergence:On Emergent Features of Self-Organization in Distributed...
Given wave-like dynamics and EDR-like connectivity, a key prediction of NFT is that the intrinsic geometry of the brain physically shapes and imposes boundary conditions on emergent dynamics7,8,25. A remarkable corollary of this view is that, if we prioritize spatial and physical constraints on...
the Institute has received visits by over 70 researchers and scholars from other parts of the world. As one of the dozens of P4 labs in the world, the Institute pursues a global vision of development, upholds the principles of being open and transparent to all, and promotes exchange and coo...
the interaction among components makes it very difficult or at times, impossible to understand and predict what the result would like in some period of time [15,54]. Effectively, many elements of existence, although obeying simple principles, take on a life of its own, having emergent ...
The emergent narrative of multidisciplinarity’s less-than-favorable impact on faculty academic placement precipitates deeper inquiries: How do the occurrence timing and nature of disciplinary shifts influence academic placement? Table7presents a stratified exploration, with independent variables capturing both...
Viruses and bacteria commonly exhibit spatial repetition of the surface molecules that directly interface with the host immune system. However, the complex interaction of patterned surfaces with immune molecules containing multiple binding domains is poo