on-premise 是前提模式 on-demand是需求模式
platforms, as well as on-premise, hosted and on-demand environments. ipress.com.hk 目前公司為大型及中型 B2B、B2C 或 B2B2C 機構提供最全面的解決方案和最靈活的部署選項,包括所有主要數據庫平台,以及就地部署、 托 管 和 按 需環 境。 ipress.com.hk hybris allows you the flexibility to deploy as...
companies offering hosted applications as of January 24, 2005. As the number of vendors touting hosted applications grows and the sophistication of their offerings increases, the choice between hosted solutions and on-premise solutions is no longer just a debate between competing vendors. Salesforce....
ON-DEMAND OR ON-PREMISE? Best Practices for Midsize Businesses Fundamentals: On-Demand or On-Premise? Withmyths out of the way, software as a service can be LLike most IT-related decisions, deciding wheth- er software as a service (SaaS) is right for your organization requires you to ...
perpetual licenseon-premise,oras subscription-pricedon-demand,oras a managed service. hybris.com hybris.com hybris 提供多种部署选择:既可采用传统的内置式永久许可证进行部署,也可采用订阅价格按需部署或采用托管服务部署。 hybris.com hybris.com To add ";(18)onthepremiseofprotecting the autonomyandacademic...
As the number of vendors touting hosted applications grows and the sophistication of their offerings increases, the choice between hosted solutions and on-premise solutions is no longer just a debate between competing vendors. Salesforce.com's Customforce.com platform allows companies to create ...
The main security domains are mentioned in the third section while the forth section describes our approach that addresses the challenges in the communication between the on-premise and on-demand services. 展开 关键词: homomorphic encryption cloud computing secure communication ...
On-Premises vs Cloud: Discover the pros and cons of on-premise vs cloud computing and choose the best option for your business needs.
On Premise vs Cloud: Level of Control One of the major differences between on-premise and cloud computing is the level of control users have over their systems. On-Premise Computing An organization relying on on-prem IT fully controls its hardware and software. The in-house team is free to...
A Tenancy of One's Own: Just When the Battle between On-Demand and On-Premise CRM Seemed to Settle Down a Bit, a New One Opens Up: Single-Tenant Architectu... When Oracle Corp. announced the latest version of Siebel On Demand in February, the company relit a coal believed extinguished...