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38or are stemming from top-down econometric models that make implicit assumptions about land availability with simplified representations of biophysical constraints1,36. Studies comparing multiple CDR options on a global scale using site-specific data from bottom-up perspectives are missing, and we lack...
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Swindles GT, Blundell A, Roe HM, Hall VA (2010) A 4500-year proxy climate record from peatlands in the North of Ireland: the identification of widespread summer ‘drought phases’? Quat Sci Rev 29:1,577–1,589 Google Scholar Szeroczyńska K (1985) Cladocera jako wskaźnik ekologiczn...
Countries included in the data analysis: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China (People’s Republic of), Colombia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Fede...
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Long-term changes of nitrogen and phosphorus loadings to a large lake in north-west Ireland. Water Res. 34(3), 922-926 [176] Zhou, Q., Li, D., Wang, T., Hu, X., 2021. Leaching of graphene oxide nanosheets in simulated soil and their influences on microbial communities. J. ...
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In ICWSM. The AAAI Press, Dublin, Ireland; 2012. Google Scholar Tatar A, Antoniadis P, de Amorim MD, Fdida S (2014) From popularity prediction to ranking online news. Soc Netw Anal Min 4(174). Tatar A, Antoniadis P, de Amorim MD, Fdida S (2014) From popularity prediction to ...