On paper, the job seemed perfect for me: The position was completely in line with my degree, the duties and responsibilities were compatible with my interests, and the office maintained a well-stocked kitchen that would satisfy my every snack desire.请选择正确答案。 A. Job applicants are advis...
①On paper, the job seemed perfect for me: ②The position was completely in line with my degree, the duties and responsibilities were compatible with my interests, and the office maintained a well-stocked kitchen that would satisfy my every snack desire. ...
39. A 【定位】On paper, the job seemed perfect for me. 40. Job applicants are advised to make a written list of their likes and dislikes in their previous employment. 40. F 【定位】Start by writing down the things you didn’t like about ...
A) On paper, the job seemed perfect for me: The position was completely in line with my degree, the duties and responsibilities were compatible with my interests, and the office maintained a well-stocked kitchen that would satisfy my every snack desire. B) Sounds like my dream job, right?
I look forward to seeing the school hospital become better and better, providing timely help to students, and sincerely hope my proposal could be adopted. 02 听力 第一套 1.D)It ran for as long as some thirty years. 2.B)Drinking water instead of...
On paper, the job seemed perfect for me: The position was completely in line with my degree, the duties and responsibilities were right up my alley, and the office maintained a well-stocked kitchen that would satisfy my every snack craving. ...
A) On paper, the job seemed perfect for me: The position was completely in line with my degree, the duties and responsibilities were compatible with my interests, and the office maintained a well-stocked kitchen that would satisfy my every snack desire. B) Sounds like my dream job, right...
All the children laughed. When Christian returned home, he wanted to tell his parents about it. He overheard (无意中听到) their conversation. His dad told his mom that Christian’s uncle had lost his job. Mom asked why Dad couldn’t take him to his company. “My company needs a ...
Thebestwaytoimproveyourwritingistogetapenandpaperandwrite.Bepreparedtowrite severalversions(版本)ofeachtext. 5 30分钟能力强化组合练(十五) 第60页 60 A.Knowyourreaders. B.Readwidelyandoften. C.Alwayscheckyourwritingtwice. D.Remember,practicemakesperfect! E.Choosebooksorarticlesthatinterestyou. F.Use...
she said dont you pre she said daddy-o dont she said gushingly she said i think ill she said kissing me she said she sent us she said venomously she saw a nation conq she screamed out she seemed upset she sees his face she sees the bartende she shed crocodile te she shi du de ...