The meaning of ON is —used as a function word to indicate position in contact with and supported by the top surface of. How to use on in a sentence.
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Lesbophobia —Lesbophobia is an irrational fear or hatred of, and discrimination against lesbians or lesbian behavior. LGBTQ+ —LBGTis an abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (often encompassing sexual preference and gender identities that do not correspond to heterosexual norms). ...
the phrase is too long or cumbersome to type (or say out loud) repeatedly (e.g., “Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats” has 11 syllables versus its abbreviation “SWOT”). This goes for abbreviating company names too. International Business Machines has 9 syllables (IBM has 3...
The third row represents the BERT model which is pre-trained on Chinese clinical corpora and we use FT-BERT as the abbreviation to “fine-tuned BERT”. The following rows are the fine-tuned BERT with different network layers. The results shows pre-training BERT on specific domain and the ...
Today, it's no longer an abbreviation, but a Latin word for "weapon," and this is the name under which most players know this title, although not everywhere. In some countries, Arma 3 is still called Armed Assault 3, although this is a misnomer. The first Arma, aka ArmA, was made ...
abbreviation for (Commerce) adjustable rate mortgage Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 arm1 (ɑrm) n. 1. a. the upper limb of the human body. b. the ...
Whole-genome-based phylogenies have defined a five-branch population structure forY. pestis[18], following the previously described nomenclatures that termed the lineages according to their phylogenetic branch (0–4) plus the biovar abbreviation: ANT (biovar Antiqua), MED (Medievalis), ORI (Orienta...
At the formal level, a Cognate Infinitive construction (CI) is formed by two essential elements: (1) a finite verbal form that functions as the lexical head of a predicate (or ‘cognate head’) and (2) an infinitive that depends syntactically on and is cognate with the verbal head and ...
72). There is little discussion of the operation of attention (yid la byed pa) by Jigme Lingpa, who only makes cursory use of the term with the abbreviation yid byed, and to denote attentional investigation, the term yid dpyod. 73 Cudgel to Discern the Real (A, p. 467; B, p...