In the year 2011,Chinese literature circle has still seen a busy scene of all the novelists striving for the best.Based on the creation of novels,many works,such as The Barren Ground by Ge Shuiping,Gulu by Jia Pingao,Dance in Qianwen by Zhang Zhilu,The Bloody Court by Zhu Yong and Tri...
Of course, the stories are not content to be buried, and the characters in the stories talk to each other and to Filomena and to us, the readers. In many ways the stories and characters are connected and related and that is part of the fun, the intrigue, and the richness in this boo...
1. James Joyce and VirginiaWoolfare the two best known novelists of the “stream of consciousness” school. 2. Symbolism, surrealism, imagism, expressionism, etc. all belong to school of modernism. 3.The Rainbowis D. H. Lawrence’s autobiographical work. 4. As a literary figure, Stephen De...
Dostoevsky's novels intrigued many English novelists when Constance Garnett's translation of introduced him to English readers in 1912. Both Virginia Woolf and E.M. Forster wrote critically about Dostoevsky's works and published major novels, (1925) and (1924), in the wake of the "Dostoevsky ...
Tradition and Chance in the Indo-Anglican Novels of the Post-Independence Era The theme of the conflict of old and new, tradition and modernity, east and west in contemporary India has been a major concern of many Indo-Anglican novelists of the post-independence era. This study focuses on th...
Rushdie comes across as such a staid literary statesman these days and the reactions to his latest works never gave me the impression that the novels were bonkers in the most delightful way possible. (Except James Wood…”hysterical realism” was it? Ha ha.) Anyway, it cries out for a rer...
matter in another sense: as Asian Americans accumulate capital and gain access to elite institutions, white-male/Asian-female couplings are becoming ever more common in the spaces that produce our novels and cultural discourse. A curious consequence of the combination of forces just described is ...
of the philosophy department now in the UK, and almost anywhere in the world. And that really changes what happens under the title philosophy. There are really quite a large number of people who are able to make a living as novelists, playwrights, and even poets. But you find it very, ...
a heroofDefoe’snovel,wholivedaloneonadesertislandfor28years.RobinsonCrusoeDefoe’smasterpieceisoneofthemostwidelyreadworksinworld literature.MollFlandersisnottherepresentativeworkofDefoe,butitisthemost popularworkofDefoe.JustasthefamouscontemporarywriterandcriticVirginia WoolfsaidaboutMollFlandersandRoxana-“They...
trying to write well about the world we live in, or to teach students to write well about the world they live in, are caught in a time warp, where literature by definition still consists of forms that were certified as “literary” in the 19th century: novels and short stories and ...