ter in die (on prescription):Seen on a prescription, tid means three times a day. It is an abbreviation for "ter in die" which in Latin means three times a day. The abbreviation "tid" is sometimes written without a period either in lower-case letters as "tid" or in capital letters ...
q.h. (on prescription):Abbreviation for "every hour." On a prescription or doctor's hospital orders,q.h.means every hour. Also written qh (without the periods). From the Latinquaquemeaning once + h for hour. However it is written, it is one of a number of hallowed abbreviations of L...
Abbreviation for:tender on examinationtransoesophageal echocardiography Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved. toe See Claw toe, Curly toe, Hammer toe, Mallet toe, Overlapping toe, Pheasant hunter's toe, Pigeon toe, Sausage toe, Tennis toe, Turf toe, Underlapping...
Abbreviation: MUR, medicine-use review. 754 submit your manuscript | www.dovepress.com Dovepress Subthemes • Pharmacist personality • Pharmacist attitudes Subthemes • Promoting the services using a variety of approaches • The information that MUR service is free of charge needs to be ...
Abbreviationfor: BestEnhancedAdvancedTechnology BucindololEvaluationinAcuteMyocardialInfarction Segen'sMedicalDictionary.©2012Farlex,Inc.Allrightsreserved. BEAT CardiologyAclinicaltrial–BucindololEvaluationinAcuteMyocardialInfarctionTrialbeingconductedinEuropetoevaluatetheeffectofBextra™bucindolol–onsurvivalinPtswit...
What is the abbreviation for a prescription? Define prescription medication What does OTC mean in medical terms? What does PTN mean in medicine? What does TID stand for in medical terms? What does LTB mean in medical terms? What does URT mean in veterinary medicine? What is the meaning of...
accurately record information about, and give instructions to their patients. There is no standard or approved list used by health care professionals to search for medical acronyms or abbreviations. Therefore, it is important to understand the context in which the abbreviation or term has been used...
abbreviation for 1. (Electronics) Greenwich Electronic Time 2. (Physical Geography) Greenwich Electronic Time Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 get (gɛt) v. got...
2 Medical prescription No 5: preliminaries Medical prescription No 5 is found on folio 141ar, which is equal to the first page of the manuscript. The text starts in line 13 and ends in line 19. In (1), we give a transliterated and glossed version of the text based on Miklas et al...
The Kaplan-Meier curves were stratified according to the individual optimal medical therapy agent at 5 years. (A) Non-antiplatelet drug (APD) (blue line) versus APD (red line). (APD means at least 1 antiplatelet drug [aspirin, clopidogrel, or ticlopidine] prescription.) (B) Nonstatin (blue...