通过这首诗,读者能够感受到诗人内心的挣扎和成长,也能够对生命意义和信仰有更深刻的理解。此外,“On His Blindness”还对后世的文学创作产生了积极的影响,成为了许多诗人和作家借鉴和学习的典范。 总的来说,“On His Blindness”是一首充满哲理和情感深度的诗歌,它以其独特的艺术...
on his blindness解析 英语助手 “on his blindness”这个短语在英语中通常表示“关于他的失明”或者“就他的失明而言”。这里,“on”是一个介词,用来引导出一个关于某个主题或情况的讨论。 例如,如果我们想说“他写了一本书关于他的失明”,我们可以这样说:“He wrote a book on his blindness.” 在这个句子...
On His Blindness 論彼失明 By John Milton 約翰·彌爾頓【英】 When I consider how my light is spent 思吾目唯半世已光明殆盡, Ere half my days in this dark world and wide,苟於此冥昭瞢暗極域, And that …
总之,莎士比亚的诗《On His Blindness》是一个关于个人挑战和信仰的故事。通过描绘自己失明后的痛苦和探索,莎士比亚向世人传递了一种积极而深刻的信息:即使在最黑暗的时刻,我们仍然可以找到内在的力量和目标。这个典故对于个人成长和人生的意义有着深远的影响,它提醒我们应该坚持和寻找内在的光明。©...
on his blindness修辞手法 “on his blindness”这个短语使用了暗喻的修辞手法。暗喻是一种比喻的方式,它暗示某个事物或情境与另一个事物或情境之间的相似性,而没有直接使用“像”或“好像”等明喻的词语。在这个短语中,“on his blindness”暗示了对盲人的一种不尊重或忽视的态度,将盲人视为一个被动的、无能为...
John Milton's poem 'On His Blindness' reflects the tragedy and frustration of the author's eyesight impairment and the ensuing battle with losing and eventually restoring his faith. Summarize and analyze the themes, structure, and figurative language used throughout the classic poem written in the...
On His Blindness John Milton When I consider how my light is spent Ere half my days in this dark world and wide, And that one talent which is death to hide Lodg'd with me useless, though my soul more bent To serve therewith my Maker, and present My true account, lest he returning ...
Is Kingly. Thousands at his bidding speed And post o'er Land and Ocean without rest: They also serve who only stand and wait." 光明耗尽,未及半生, 便面对茫茫黑暗世程, 银子埋藏,即是死亡, 纵我心诚,有才无用, 难以此侍奉造物之主,
On His Blindness 赏析 OnHisBlindness JohnMilton 1WhenIconsiderhowmylightisspent2Erehalfmydaysinthisdarkworldandwide,3Andthatonetalentwhichisdeathtohide4Lodg‟dwithmeuseless,thoughmysoulmorebent spent:usedup,exhaustedhowmylightisspent:Thisclausepresentsadouble...
(完整word版)英文赏析onhisblindness英文赏析on his blindness He is lamenting how his sight is used up in this dark and wide world before he reaches half of his lifespan. The parable of the talents loomed large in Puritan minds, and particularly in Milton’s。 The servant who simply returned...