The meaning of ON THE GROUNDS THAT is for the reason that : because. How to use on the grounds that in a sentence.
"On the grounds that" tends to be used in certain specific (and usually somewhat formal) situations. It does have a meaning very similar to "because", however. "On the grounds that" is often used in legal contexts, such as inna courtroom or in a contract.Example:"Because the police hav...
implementation of the British Technical Instruction Act and supporting a single University of London on the grounds that “a duplication of Universities in London would be a misfortune of the first magnitude, dividing resources and diverting energies into channels that would lead to many undesirable ...
The meaning of SPRING ON is to surprise (someone) with (something, such as a request or announcement). How to use spring on in a sentence.
Schemas, grounds, meaning: On the emergence of musical concepts through conceptual blendingconceptual blendingconceptualizationgeneric spacegrounding boximage schemamusicThis article offers a new theoretical approach to the conceptualization of music, based on Conceptual Blending Theory, with a reinforced role...
For 'what needs to be' has a double meaning: it means what is inevitable, as often is the case with evils, too (for evil of some kind is inevitable), while on the other hand we say of good things as well that they 'need to be'. Moreover, 'The same man is both seated and ...
posal 4. Rather than reject the be_ of Marxism on the grounds that it had not been proved by history, he sought to account for Marxism through an analysis of the specific history of the former Soviet Union. lief5. The bank may reject 37、your re_ for a loan because it thinks you ...
What does on what grounds mean? it's like asking what the foundation for an argument is. the core of what it's related to. Another way to say it is: "what is the evidence of this" or " what is the true meaning" HOW TO APPLY FOR HUMANITARIAN AND COMPASSIONATE GROUNDS ...
What is and is not labelled “conspiracy theory” has nothing to do with whether or not something involves a conspiracy, nor is it valid to criticise a theory on the grounds that it posits a conspiracy. Those people who use the term seem to have no idea of the weight of the anti-...
First, the Court required especially strict scrutiny of legislation that employed a “suspect classification,” meaning discrimination against a group on grounds that could be construed as racial. 首先,最高法院要求对那些采用“嫌犯分类”的法律进行严格审查,这种分类意味着基于人种能给一个特定族群带来歧视。