其次是浓缩乳清蛋白,这是一种乳清蛋白最初级的提取物,蛋白含量在80%左右,卡路里含量也要高一些,但是在这款产品中它所占的比例也要低很多。至于胜肽,这是一种分离乳清蛋白的升级产物,通过水解,把分离乳清蛋白进行了进一步的分解,基本是可以直接被人体利用的了。 除了3种不同的乳清蛋白外,卵磷脂的作用在于提高产品的...
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(Lund et al.,2007). Additionally, in research examining the correlation between protein denaturation, lactosylation, and heat-induced aggregation in whey protein isolate powder, it was found that to preserve the long-term natural characteristics of the powder, storage at temperatures below 20°C ...
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Protein emulsifiers, including sodium caseinate (SC), whey protein isolate (WPI) and soy protein isolate, could improve β-carotene antioxidant activity (Yi, Lam, Yokoyama, Cheng, & Zhong, 2014). Sabouri, Arranz, Guri, and Corredig (2018) demonstrated the use of SC-stabilised emulsions as ...
Efficacy of almond gum for coacervation with whey protein isolate- optimization, functionality and characterization: A comparison with high-methoxyl pectin 2024, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Citation Excerpt : Also, positively charged Na+ ions could interact with the oppositely charged ...
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[38] observed an increase in negative charge of whey protein isolate with the addition of cinnamaldehyde. Compared with NEWP, UEWP and CEWP, UCEWP had the highest absolute ζ-potential value. This might be associated with moderate ultrasonic treatment altered the structure of EWP and promoted ...